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The trip to the facility in Siberia had been an impromptu one for Steve. Usually he'd call ahead to give Bucky a heads up, but on this occasion he hadn't the patience to let his friend know of his pending arrival. Steve very much doubted that his friend was lying down on the job. Bucky had his men and women under control. They were skilled fighters and killers. Just what the organisation needed. Bucky himself had been the very first to be created, and with his expertise he'd risen up the ranks to become the most trusted Winter Soldier that Hydra ever had.

When Steve and Bucky were on a mission, however? No one against them ever walked out alive. His shield had seen a lot of bloodshed in its time, and there would be more. There would always be more.

Upon landing, Steve was greeted by Bucky who gave his friend a hug as they met again. It was rare if they got to actually see one another as of late. Most of the time they would be conversing over the phone as to how the Winter Solider Program was coming along. With new recruits, Steve had felt it was time to visit the facility where the recruits trained with Bucky there to 'whip' them into shape.

"Looking good pal" Bucky said, giving Steve a clap on the back. "How's DC treating you?"

"Project Insight has been approved. It won't be long before we can finally strike."

Bucky chuckled as they walked into the building. "Look at you all happy. Perhaps now will be the time to find that best girl you so desperately need." And then he saw Steve's face. "Not for commitment obviously." He snorted at the word. "But have you had any fun lately?"

"Have you?" Steve smirked knowing the answer. The facility was isolated and there were few women here.

"Like fuck I have." Bucky muttered. "But this place takes up too much of my time to even bother with a pretty girl warming my bed."

"Then that makes two of us. The cause is my commitment. Anyone else would simply get in the way."

He couldn't afford any distractions. Not now. Pierce had been on about a potential Hydra 'heir' to take up the mantle of Captain Hydra. Not that Steve was planning his retirement any time soon. There was still so much more to be done. However a child of Hydra? Sure it would pave the way for a new generation to the organisation. It wasn't that important currently but something to consider in the future.

Bucky now threw him a certain look. "Not if it was just for the night." coming to a stop outside of the training room. "Come meet them." And pushed open the door, Bucky now shouting for them to stand to attention.

Immediately the line-up was formed. Each recruit as still as statues, staring blankly ahead as Steve made his way down, looking at each of them. "And they've all been under?" he enquired about the mind control process. It was a must. Just like himself, these fighters could not afford distractions either.

"It's the first thing that's done as soon as they arrive. Helps the settling in process, on the plus side there's no homesickness." Bucky explained. "Each one will be ready to comply on your say so."

Steve smirked. "Now that is music to my ears." That as well as the deathly silence that hung in the training room. "Be sure to expect more, we're gaining more agents by the day, so there's bound to be more talent for you to work with." He turned away and Bucky instructed the training to continue, he and Steve making their way from the training room and down the hall to speak in private.

"So...you're having a nice little party and I can't even go. You're a real asshole, you know that?" Bucky turned with a smirk to his friend. It had been a while since he'd set foot in DC and that had been for 'work purposes' only.

"You said yourself that you couldn't leave this place unless it was a live or die situation. I hardly think that you'll miss much." It was really for the agents benefit, not his own. Steve didn't do social gatherings in any shape or form. He wasn't a man who enjoyed socialising at the best of times. Even when it came down to sitting in on meetings with Pierce and Hydra associates, but hard work needed to be rewarded, and everyone within the organisation were loyal, not just to Hydra, but to him too.

That was how it should be. If you were loyal, you were repaid. You break the trust that had been built? You were punished...

Many had leant that with him the hard way. He wasn't sorry. Why should he be sorry for the mistakes of others anyway?

Steve Rogers was a man with no regrets.

"Did I say it when I was drunk?" Bucky now asked, trying to remember his exact words.

"Probably, either way you won't be missing much. I usually just stay for an hour watching and then head back up to my apartment."

Bucky leant back against his desk and crossed his arms. "I bet you're an absolute joy to be around at those things."

"Only Pierce tends to have that privilege, even now that's wavering slightly and will do so even more if he fucks this up for us." The last thing he wanted was Project Insight going tits up due to Alexander's incompetence. He doubted that they would be stopped though. The only people who knew the true intentions of the project were himself and Pierce – and it would stay that way until the time came to put their plan into action once and for all.

"He won't and you know it." Bucky told him. "There's a lot at stake. He's not about to take any risks that could jeopardise what we've built up – what you've built up." He added, because without Steve, Hydra would have crumbled from the moment Schmitt had died. They'd been behind many of the tragic 'accidents' that had occurred over the years. The death of Howard Stark being one.

It had been needed though. Stark had been on their list of targets for years until finally they had more of a reason to take him out. When Steve gave the order, Bucky ensured that they were seen through. The Stark mission had been just another thing to tick off their 'to do' list.

"If he does then he knows what will happen." Steve growled slightly.

No man wanted to be on the other end of Captain Hydra's shield, but if Pierce didn't play his cards right then he would be next.

Alexander was waiting for him in his apartment when he returned, Steve looked rather unimpressed that he was there in the first place and made a mental note to remind the Secretary about respect if it happened again. "What did I say about unannounced home visits?"

"Nothing of the sort, Captain, but you should know that the party has been planned. My assistant has everything in order." Pierce told him. "How was Siberia?"

"Pleasing. And is that all you came to tell me? That your fucking assistant is a competent party planner?" Steve snapped. Honestly? He really didn't need updates on how well employees were doing. He didn't give a shit about them really. 

Alexander shook his head, watching as the Captain crossed the room and began to look through his vinyl's. "Work on the first hellicarrier for project insight began this morning."

Steve paused and then removed the record from the sleeve, placing it in the player. The sound of 'That's Life' by Frank Sinatra filling the apartment. He may have walked the earth for a good few decades, but he still appreciated good music. The old tunes of yesteryear were something he'd listen to the most. The current music of today just didn't hit the same way as those from the thirties through to the sixties. "Well...that is good news. Now, leave..." He instructed, giving Pierce the command to leave him alone so he could enjoy the rest of his evening in peace.


"Alexander..." Steve turned to him calmly, but shot him a warning look. "I have told you to leave. Anything else can wait until tomorrow." 

"I'll be seeing you at the party Captain." Alexander said from the elevator as he got in and pushed the button for the ground floor.

"That's for me to decide, not you." Steve said as the doors closed and he was left alone.

Walking out onto the balcony, he leant against the railing and reflected on just how much they could achieve in the coming months. Hydra was on the rise again, and once SHIELD were out of their way then they could focus on infiltration of the governments across the country and eventually further afield.

Let the uprising commence.

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