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Steve had left Wren in bed from where he'd had to unload the frustrations that had been building within him from the last few days. Her stamina had improved that he had to applaud her for it. She always took him well, never once complained about the aches or marks that she was left with afterwards. Still, he'd let her sleep it off and as he checked in the bedroom on his return, she was still, hair falling over her face obscuring it from his view.

He found watching her sleep calming to him. It allowed him to think as well as admire her at the same time. It was the little things, from how she slept to his eyes falling on every curve and dip in her body. He knew it as well as map, certain areas that would make her scream and others that he could tease until she came undone.

The more Steve thought about it, the more she knew him as well as he knew her. He'd noticed she would overlook his temper, try to rectify any kind of bad mood by offering him a drink or just something to ease him. She was a considerate woman, accepting him for who he was even if he did believe she was trying to change him in some ways. He'd never change in terms of mood or temper. Nor would he change the way he did things, however there could just be the possibility that he could feel something for her as well as being the man he was at the same time.

He did feel something...

Who the fuck was he kidding? It had to be love. Wren Reed was the only woman who would take him for who he was. Instead of being a distraction? She was his motivation...

"I didn't hear you come back?" She'd now opened her eyes and looked sleepily at him. "Come back to bed Captain..."

Steve smirked at her from where he'd sat himself in the chair in the corner. "Is that an order?"

"I'm not allowed to make those, remember? You're in charge." She grinned as he got up and crawled over her, leaning down while her arms snaked themselves around his neck and kissing her.

A satisfied 'Mmmm' hummed through her, and she gently nibbled his lip. His mouth then dipped down to her chest, teasing its way down, down before...

Buzz... Buzz...

His damn cell phone was ringing.

"For fuck sake..." He muttered and pushed himself off the bed, checking the caller ID.


Of all the times his friend had the opportunity to cock block, it had to be now? "I need to take this sweetheart." He told her as she sat up, wrapping the sheets around her.

"Go on." Wren nodded and watched him answer the call while he left the room.

Once he was gone she sighed. There had been a meeting with the Strike team, which was where he'd gone to after a morning of having him drag orgasm after orgasm from her. The long lasting effect still hadn't really worn off, and her whole body ached and felt weak. Thankfully Steve always allowed her time to recover, whereas he was perfectly fine.

Whilst he was gone though? She'd snuck down to the garage where the same mechanic she'd been speaking with a few days earlier was finishing Steve's bike. "What's your name Agent?" She asked.

"Anders, Miss Reed." He said as she kept it in mind.

"Well Anders I came to apologise for how the Captain reacted the other day, as you may have guessed he was in a very bad mood."

Anders shrugged. "He's the Captain, just gotta accept whatever fate we have."

"You couldn't be more right." Wren nodded innocently. "Can I check to see whether all these parts are the right ones on my list? I never got to finish the other day."

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