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"WHERE IS HE!" Steve bellowed down the phone to Rumlow who was on the end of the line. "Where! Ok you damn well keep him there. He's not leaving this place alive!"

Wren sat on the couch, flipping through a magazine later that afternoon.

They'd found the burner phone in Anders bag and now there was bound to be uproar. If she could pull this off then at least it would be one less thing to worry about. Glancing across to where Steve was pacing whilst on the call, she watched as his muscles flexed slightly due to the ever rising rage. She'd managed to keep him in bed for a few hours after and only now he was half dressed, suit pants on but shirtless. The marks on his back from her nails were fading slightly, but still could be seen to her.

And it made her feel good.

He put the phone down and braced himself against the window. "Steve?" Wren's voice broke him from all the thoughts that he planned to put into action. Killing the traitorous agent slowly and painfully just like he wanted. "Steve..."

"They have him..."

"Have who?"

"The fucking mechanic you were talking to the other day! Someone heard him on the phone to Nick Fury, they found his phone and they have him...and I'm gonna end him..." He took her hands and kissed her knuckles. "We have our traitor sweetheart."

Wren wrapped her arms round him. "I wanna watch..." she whispered into his ear.

He shook his head. "It'll be messy, you don't wanna see me when I'm in that state of mind."

"I know what you're like."

"You've never seen me kill a man before." He reminded her.

"So why should that stop me?" She shrugged.

Either way she needed to ensure Anders was as good as dead so the whole traitor situation could be put to rest. She gently ran her nails down his abs which sent his veins into a frenzy. She could feel his harness growing against her. "See what you do to me." He growled in his usual way. "The only thing stopping me from picking you up and taking you back to bed is the fact I now have this Anders guy to deal with."

She had him under some control at least, Her hand cupping him though his trousers. "The sooner you deal with Anders, the sooner you can take me back to bed." Wren knew that she'd be here for the foreseeable, and also knew that Steve would need to let off more steam after dealing with Anders.

He let go of her and went to resume dressing from where he'd been interrupted from doing so by the call earlier. Wren also getting dressed. A secret compartment to the walk in wardrobe opened, revealing where he kept the shield and helmet when not in use. This was the first time she'd ever laid eyes on it, the Hydra crest sitting right in the middle.

The weapon was just as intimidating as the man who wielded it.

Steve caught her looking and smirked. "Bigger than expected?"

She nodded. "What's it made of?"

"Vibranium – one of the rarest metals to find." He told her.

Wren knew that the shield had been resprayed with the Hydra logo, long gone were colours that had represented freedom. Captain America's shield was still widely recognised, it was just as much of a symbol as he had been. But now that same man was stood in front of her, no longer the one who'd been celebrated since the war.

She traced her fingers across the shield, the cool metal glinting as it caught the light, almost mesmerised that she was able to see it in person. "It's a marvel..."

He kissed her and then nipped at her ear, "Are you ready to see what it can do sweetheart?" the words sending shivers down Wren's spine.

She was eager to see it in action. A little too eager. "I am..."

Steve chuckled. "All in good time, but you'll need to stay back. Like I said, it's gonna be messy."

"It's fine, I'll send for someone to clean up the mess after.

She finished dressing and they got into the elevator, heading down to the underground car park. Rumlow and the Strike team were already there, keeping guard over Anders who was pleading his innocence.

"Are you sure you want to witness this?" Steve asked her once more as they stepped out of the elevator.

Wren looked darkly at him. "Yes."

"Cap." Rumlow greeted him and passed him the phone that Wren had planted, Steve looking through it, seeing all the calls and contacts before crushing it against the floor with his boot and looking to Anders in anger. "You fucking traitor! What does Fury know?!"

"I swear it's not my phone!" Anders looked to Wren. "Please! Miss Reed tell him! You know me!"

She watched calmly while Steve grabbed his face hard so as he could look him in the eyes. "Do not fucking speak to her! It's all here, all the calls to Fury and others, WHAT DOES HE KNOW!"

"Nothing! I'm not a SHIELD agent! Why won't you believe me?!"

Steve had had enough and gestured for Rollins and Rumlow to hold Anders while he plucked the shield from off his back. "Does he know about the project?"

"What project?" Anders asked, looking around at them all.

"I don't believe him." Rumlow sneered. "Let's just put this guy outta his misery Cap."

Steve looked to Rumlow. "Yes Brock...I think you're right there."

"Please...Captain, please!"

Wren watched as Steve raised the shield and slammed Anders to the ground with such force that he was unable to get up, the strike team now surrounding him. 

She didn't flinch at what followed, eyes fixed on the scene. She felt no remorse, just satisfaction. Something that she'd never felt in this kind of situation before.

Steve walked over to her, his shield leaving a trail of crimson behind him. "Are you okay?"

"Are you?" She looked at him vacantly.

"I'm pissed, but relieved..."

Wren nodded. "I'll have someone come and deal with all of this, you get yourself back upstairs and clean up, your shield..." She gestured to it, and he looked down.

"It's seen worse."

She had no doubt about that and smiled weakly. "Go on, let me handle this. Go and take a drink. It's over."

Steve dismissed Rumlow and the rest of the team, telling Wren he'd see her upstairs. Perhaps now they could move forward with the project without anymore obstacles.

Wren watched the doors of the elevator close and walked over to Anders, the click of her heels slowly echoing step by step until she crouched down beside him. "I'm sorry Anders, but I couldn't afford to lose what I have gained, you were simply the perfect cover up." She smirked, "and I have to say, I enjoyed every moment." The darkness to her voice was real, rising up as she let out a small chuckle.

Standing back up, she put in a call for someone to come and sort everything out, returning to the elevator, humming a little tune. Her good mood was on the rise and now a side of her that she'd never explored was coming out to play. 

A little bit of manipulation went a long way.

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