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The rain was lashing down and reflecting on Steve's mood when he returned to DC a few days later. He could've spent a month or two in Siberia and still Wren would've been on his mind. The trip had done him some good though. It had given him time to think things over. 

He'd concluded that he'd just have to ignore her, keep her at arm's length whatever the cost. Bucky was right. He couldn't afford her to distract him at a time like this. The less he saw of her the better.

On getting back home, he'd entered through the usual way of the underground car park. His Harley was undergoing some repairs and new installation of equipment so one of the mechanics was hard at work to get Steve's baby up and running for another mission.

He was speaking to some one though and the closer Steve got he realised that Wren was there...

The anger flared while he watched her quiz the mechanic as to whether everything was all there, and threaten that if it wasn't then Steve would be pissed.

How decent of her.

But that still didn't make up for the fact that she and the mechanic were laughing with one another. Talking with ease. 

And he couldn't stand it...

Stepping out from the shadows, he made his presence known, causing Wren and the man to turn. "Ah, Captain." The mechanic saluted him, but Steve remained silent. "I was just putting the finishing touches to the bike..."

Steve turned his head to the agent. "Is that all you were putting 'finishing touches' to?" He queried.

"Captain..." Wren warned, immediately picking up on the fact that he was asserting his dominance. Reminding the man of just who she belonged to. 

His head shot round to look at her. "Don't. Speak." And then he turned back to the mechanic. "Talk to her again and I'll see you're out of here in a body bag. Understood?" He could finish fixing the damn bike easily himself.

The mechanic nodded as Steve's cold stare from under his mask looked him up and down.

"Get out of here." He was gone within seconds, Steve then pulling off his helmet and looking at her. "What the fuck did I tell you about challenging me!"

Wren glared, "I wasn't challenging you; I was simply..."

She didn't have time to finish, and he grabbed her wrist and dragged her to the elevator that was only for his personal use, throwing her in there and stepping in. One large hand slammed down onto the button that went up to the apartment, causing the elevator to shake slightly.

"So what? Now I'm not allowed to do my job conversing with people that I need to, to ensure that your shit is all running smoothly?"

At this point Wren didn't care if he threw her over the balcony. She'd already fallen hard enough, and it was probably going to be the death of her anyway.

Steve could see what she was doing. Trying to break him down, to make him feel. And it angered him to no end. "I have such an urge just to grab your neck and snap it in two right now." He snarled.

"So what's stopping you?" Her voice was raised. Something she'd never dare do so to him before. 

He looked her up and down as the elevator doors opened. "You're not worth it." He spat. "You're worth nothing." And walked out, heading into his office and slamming the door hard.

Wren exhaled the breath she'd been holding in. He may as well have seen the threat through at that rate. She made for the bar and poured herself a drink, downing it in one to stop her body from shaking. In the three days he'd been gone, she had been able to catch up with Fury, still not mentioning about Steve.

She couldn't do it

She couldn't come clean and unmask him.

Wren had spent so many nights wondering how she'd come to be in this position (as well as the ones that Steve had her in) and it was all because of him. He'd drawn her in, consumed her and now she was protecting the enemy.

The enemy who felt nothing for her.

The enemy who told her that she was worth nothing to him.

And it cut deep.

Pouring herself another drink, Wren downed it again and began to revaluate the consequences of her actions. Withholding important information from Fury, sleeping with the enemy, lying for one man by not exposing him and some of the main people in his organisation. Fury was fully suspicious of Pierce but so far Wren had come up with 'nothing' and instead sugar coated what she apparently had.

The evening had drawn in and it was half an hour until HQ shut down. The rain was still falling as she looked out across the city. It should have been bringing calm but instead she felt unnerved. Perhaps it was because she felt his presence behind her.

His hands placed themselves firmly on her shoulders as he leant down next to her ear. "Remember your place." He told her smoothly, "You're here to serve. Nothing more. Nothing less." He whispered the next part to remind her of just where she stood. "Don't mess with my affairs." He let go of her and she retrieved her coat silently.

"I'll see you in the morning Captain..." Was all she said as she stepped into the elevator and the door closed on them.

Steve watched her go and then helped himself to the nearest bottle of whiskey.

No more distractions.

He was back to his old ways, he felt like himself.

And it felt good.

Hearing the phone in his office ring, he walked back through and answered. Pierce's name on the screen. "Yes?"

"Captain, I've just had a call from Sitwell...we may have a problem."

"What kind of problem?" Steve asked a little agitated. Why Pierce couldn't just come out with it and tell him was frustrating enough. He hated people who beat around the bush

"I've got him on the line, I'll put him through so we can discuss this, but you're not going to like what you're about to hear."

At this point Steve became impatient. "You're gonna tell me Pierce and you're gonna tell me now!"

There was a momentary pause before Alexander spoke again. It had been what Steve had spoken of before, however it seemed now it had come true, and it did not surprise him in the slightest. 

"There's a traitor in our organisation..."

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