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ok Renjun, you can do it. It's just the first day of school.

The small figure walked down the stairs carefully as if he's afraid of something. "Dad?" Renjun said observing if his father is home. No response. Renjun sighed of relief knowing that he won't get beaten up this morning. And with that, he made his way to his new school.

Once the boy reached a white building he assumed was his school based on what google maps told him, he slowly made his way to his locker, catching a few students' attention.

"Hey! Watch out!" Renjun fell forward, his books fell out of his bag, as he felt something hit his back.

"Oh my god! Are you ok?! I'm so sorry!" A dolphin like voice said.

"Chenle!! You've got to be more careful next time."

A boy, who Renjun assumed was Chenle, reached his hand out to help Renjun up. Another boy with blue hair helped pick up his books on the ground.

"Hey, you must be new here, I haven't seen your face around. My name is Chenle! That's Jaemin and Donghyuck." Chenle said as he pointed to himself and the blue haired boy along with a brown haired boy.

"H-hi, I'm Renjun, I just moved here f-from China. My Korean isn't s-strong yet. Nice to m-meet you." He said, cursing at his stutter.

"Oh, you're Chinese. Me too!" Chenle said in Chinese. Renjun smiled at him, knowing someone can help him when he is struggling with Korean.

Suddenly loud squeals were heard catching Renjun off guard. The small boy looked to where the squeals were coming from and saw four tall boys with grumpy faces making their way to class.

"W-who are those p-people?" Renjun turned to ask the brown haired boy next to him. "Those are the popular boys. Heartthrobs of the school. There's Jeno, Mark, Jisung, and Yangyang."

Yangyang, that name sounds familiar.

Just as Renjun thought that, the four boys walked past them. The boy gasped realizing where he remembered the familiar name from.

No. No! This can't be happening. Why does he need to be here?!

"Hey Renjun, let's go to class. We have the same schedule I think." Donghyuck said, grabbing his hand leading him to their first class, snapping him out of his thoughts.


"Mr.Kim, m-may I go to the r-restroom?" Renjun raised his hand asking the teacher.

"Sure, Renjun. Do you know where that is? Should someone go with you?"

"It's o-ok. I'll f-figure it out. Thanks!"

The small figure walked out of the classroom heading to the bathroom. After walking around, he found his way to the bathroom. The bathroom door creaks open and another boy walks in as Renjun walked out of the stall. The two pair of eyes meet, one starting to tear up, the other full of guilt.

"R-renjun...?" Yangyang voiced out quietly in disbelief.

"Renjun wait!" Yangyang said as he tried to grab Renjun's wrist, but wasn't fast enough.

Renjun ran out of the bathroom with teary eyes, heading back to his classroom.

AN: hiii! This is my first book, bear with me please. Hope everyone is having a great day!

broken promise | yangren/renyangWhere stories live. Discover now