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⚠️ child abuse in this chapter

Ring!!!! The sound of the lunch bell rang as everyone started filing in to the hallway.

Renjun got his lunch tray and went to sit down with Chenle, Donghyuck, and Jaemin. Little did he know someone across the room is staring at him.

"Yangyang, what are you staring at?" Jeno asked, snapping Yangyang out of his trance.


"Well, it's definitely something if you're staring that intensely," Jisung said, joining the conversation.

"He's staring at that table with the angel kids," Mark stated.

"Hey let's go sit with them, Yangyang has to get himself a boyfriend. You haven't even had your first kiss for Pete's sake!!" Jeno exclaimed.

"He's right, let's go hyung!" Jisung said, grabbing Yangyang's arm and dragging him to "the angel's" table before the older even had a chance to protest.

"Are the heartthrobs of the school heading towards our table?" Donhyuck asked, shocked to see four gorgeous boys walking towards their table.

Renjun turned his head to see a tall boy dragging a reluctant looking Yangyang over to them, a boy that looks like a Samoyed, and another one laughing like a chicken.

"Hi! I'm Jisung, this is Jeno, Mark, and Yangyang." Jisung said smiling a bit.

At this point the whole cafeteria was staring at that table. And who could blame them? Who would've thought that the school's most popular guys would talk to the good sort of nerdish guys? Jeno took a seat next to Jaemin, Mark next to Donghyuck, Jisung next to Chenle, which leaves the only seat available for Yangyang next to Renjun.

"Hey cutie," Jeno said, winking at Jaemin.

"Hi Chenle!" Jisung grinned.

"Wait, you two know each other?" asked Jaemin.

"Yup! I tutor math for him because he's stupid," Chenle explained.

"Hi! I'm Mark, nice to meet you," Mark said, smiling softly.

"Hi, I-I'm Donghyuck. Y-You can c-call me H-Haechan as well," Donghyuck murmured nervously, excited that his crush is talking to him.

"Hey..." Yangyang said turning to look at Renjun.

The smaller didn't reply, nor did he even glance at him. The others were in their own world and didn't notice the tension between Yangyang and Renjun. Soon, lunch ended sending everyone back to class.


School is over, everyone is heading home while Renjun got pulled to the counselors office.

"Hey Renjun, how was your first day of school?" the counselor asked.

"It was f-fine. I m-made friends with Chenle, J-Jaemin, and D-Donghyuck."

"That's awesome sweetheart. Anyways, the reason I called you here is because you need to fill out these forms. I need them by the end of the week. You are free to go now. Thank you," the counselor dismissed.

"Thank you Miss Kim," with that, Renjun walked out the door.

He popped in his earphones and started to walk out of school to his home. As he was walking out of the school gate, he noticed someone waiting for him. The small boy tried to escape but failed as a hand grabbed his wrist. He tried to wiggle free but the grip on his wrist did not loosen at all.

"Renjun wait!"

"Hold on!"

"I just want to talk." Yangyang desperately said as Renjun squirmed around trying to get out of his hold.

"Talk?!?! What's there to talk about?! You left me Yangyang. You weren't there when I needed you most. You broke our promise," Renjun snapped as tears poured down his cheeks.

Yangyang's grip on the older loosened without him realizing after hearing that. Renjun was able to escape and didn't waste a second to run away with tears steaming down his face. No one followed him this time. But someone really should have. Because when Renjun arrived home, he was met with a sight of his father with a bottle of beer in his hand and several bottles on the ground.

"Why are you late Huang Renjun?"

"I missed the last bus so I had to walk home, father."

"So you weren't out doing shit with some boy?"

"No, father," Renjun said, never looking up from the ground.

The room was silent for a minute before a loud cry of pain could be hurt. His father had thrown a half full beer bottle at him, completely hitting his arm and side.

"Don't lie to me, faggot. You. Disgusting. Piece. Of. Shit!"

With each word, he hit and kicked his son. There was no use fighting against his father, he knows, he tried. This continued for the next 3 minutes before his phone rang. Renjun used this chance to run away. He washed his wounds with water and got out his first aid kit. The boy started tearing up and wincing in pain when he tried to remove the glass pieces from his arm.

Eventually, he finished with dried tears on his cheeks and bandages wrapped around his arm and side. Exhausted, the boy went to sleep despite it being only 6pm. Sleep tight Injunnie, today was a long day.

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