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"I like you, Junie."

"W-What?" His eyes widened upon hearing Yangyang's confession. Renjun's face turned completely red.

"I like you. A lot. I've liked you for months now. You're the cutest, most amazing person I have ever met, Junie. And you don't have to say-"

"I like you too." Renjun smiled. His eyes turning in to crescents.

"R-really?" Yangyang asked. A bright smile appeared on his face.

Seeing the smaller nod in reply, he pulled his best friend closer and kissed him for the second time. Yangyang put his hands around Renjun's small waist to pull him closer. The older tilted his head to give the other better access. They pulled apart after a minutes only to dive back in after catching their breaths.

That afternoon they ended up making out on the couch then watching some movies while cuddling.

Ding dong!

"Oh it's probably the pizza. I'll get it!" Renjun jumped up before the other could protest. The boy opened the door and let out a gasp.

"KUN-GE!!!" Renjun screamed and jumped on Yangyang brother like a koala. Luckily, Kun balanced himself on time to catch the younger.

"Ey?? Renjun? What are you doing here?" Kun asked while trying hard to support the boy clinging to him.

"Renjun!! Let go of him! You're gonna get hurt!" Yangyang scolded frantically as he ran to help Kun.

Yangyang pulled Renjun away from Kun and set him down on the ground because he was afraid the small boy would get hurt (and because he doesn't want the boy to hug anyone else but him).

"I live here now!" Renjun cheered like a little kid and hugged Kun again.


"It's a long story, but yeah he lives with me now." Yangyang explajned while Renjun was still hugging Kun.

"Aish! You're still as cute as ever!" Kun said as he squished Renjun's cheeks.

"Okay! That's enough, Junie. You'll suffocate him." Yangyang pulled Renjun from Kun and wrapped his arm around his waist. He also gave Kun a glare while he's at it.

"Geez possessive much, Yang?" The oldest of them rolled his eyes.

"Of course." He replied while wrapping his arms around Renjun's small frame, making the smaller blush.

Kun walked into the apartment with Renjun trailing behind after escaping from Yangyang's grip. Kun started picking up trash and arranging the house while catching up with Renjun.

"So Renjun, are you staying in Korea indefinitely?"


"How's you Korean?"

"I'm getting better. I'm almost fluent now." He replied back in Korean.

"Kun-ge I missed youuu." He ran up to hug his ge again after seeing him pick up the last piece of trash.

Kun was caught off guard, but hugged back. "I missed you too kiddo." On the other hand, Yangyang got annoyed. Why can't I have him to myself for one day. Just one.

"Ge why are you here anyways." Yangyang said after giving up on pulling his best friend away from his brother.

"Oh right! Yang, I need to talk to you."

"Huh?" he replied back with curiosity.

"It's about father."

broken promise | yangren/renyangWhere stories live. Discover now