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Renjun woke up at 7pm to find out that he is in an unrecognizable room. He then started to recall what happened this evening. Yangyang. He looked down and saw that he was only wearing his t-shirt.

"Oh no... He must have seen it," Renjun groaned.

The door creaked open revealing Yangyang holding a glass of water and a piece of croissant.

"Oh good you're awake. Here, eat this first. You're probably hungry," Yangyang said as he handed the boy the food he brought.

Renjun only stared at him with slight confusion in his eyes. He slowly reached out to take the croissant and bit into it.

The taller walked to his closet and picked out an outfit for Renjun to change into.

"After you finish eating, take a shower. The bathroom is just down the hall," Yangyang instructed, pointing at the door.

Renjun looked down at his bandaged arm and back to Yangyang.

"We'll talk about it later, Junie," Yangyang smiled softly and Renjun as he sat down beside him.

Renjun continued eating without saying a word. After he finished, he got up and grabbed the outfit laying on Yangyang's bed to the bathroom. He took off his bloody bandages and took a warm shower. He wore the shirt and shorts that Yangyang gave him, finding it too big. He walked out and went to the living room, seeing Yangyang walk in at the same time with a first aid kit in his hands.

"Um...Yang? These are a little too big," he mumbled.

The taller looked at Renjun wearing his shirt that draped down to his thighs, making it look like he isn't wearing anything underneath. Cute...Wait AGAIN?!?! Yangyang shook the thought off and replied Renjun.

"Oh um...sorry Junie I don't have anything smaller. Come take a seat."

Renjun sat down on the couch while Yangyang sat on the ground in front of him. The taller took Renjun's arm and started applying medicine on the wound. The smaller winced in pain but tried to hold back.

"Does it hurt? I'm sorry," Yangyang whispered quietly but Renjun caught it.

Renjun didn't reply. They just sat in silence for a minute until Yangyang spoke up.

"My sister got sick."


"That's why I left. My sister's cancer got worse."

Renjun looked down starting to get teary again.

"We had to come see her before she died. I wanted to tell you, Renjun. I wanted to see you before we left, but there was no time. I'm sorry Junie, I-I should've left a note or something, a-anything to let you know."

Yangyang started tearing up as well but he blinked it off as he continued the story. He wasn't able to look at Renjun's eyes, he just continued to wrap bandages on Renjun's wounds.

"I thought I would only be here for a month or two and I-I would get to go back to see you, but my parents decided that we would move here entirely."

Yangyang finished tending to the wounds and finally looked up and stared into Renjun's glossy eyes.

"I-I'm sorry Renjun. I'm sorry that I broke our promise. I'm sorry that I left without saying goodbye. I-I'm sorry for not going back to visit. I'm sorry you had to find out this way. I-I'm so so so sooo sorry, Renjun."

By the time Yangyang finished that sentence, Renjun has a few tears coming out of his eyes and Yangyang was on the verge of crying. The taller reached his hand up to the shorter's cheeks and used his thumb to wipe the tears away.

"Will you forgive me?"

The room went quiet quiet for a few minutes. More tears spilled out of Renjun's eyes with a look of guilt on his face.

"I'm sorry too Yangie. I-I should've listened to you when you tried to explain it to me. I shouldn't have doubted you. Will you forgive m-me as well?" Renjun spoke softly and carefully.

"Of course!" Yangyang exclaimed happily grinning.

Renjun pulled Yangyang off the ground and hugged him tightly.

"So are you gonna tell me where these wounds came from now?"

broken promise | yangren/renyangWhere stories live. Discover now