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"Hi! Mind if we sit here again?" Jisung asked.

It was lunch on the next day. Mark, Jeno, and Jisung came over to the angel's table with lunch trays in their hands. Yangyang stood a little farther from them, not wanting to upset Renjun again.

"Of course not! You're welcome anytime," Chenle replied giving the four boys a smile.

The four boys sat down in the same seat as yesterday. Yangyang sat there eating his lunch quietly, trying not to look at Renjun while Renjun tried to pretend that Yangyang isn't there.

"Chenle-ya, wanna go to the amusement park this Saturday?" Jisung asked causing Chenle to widen his eyes in shock.

"A-Are you a-asking me out?" Chenle asked back, blushing profusely.

"So what if I am? Are you gonna say yes?" Jisung smirked at a very flustered Chenle.

"S-Sure. I-I'll go on a d-date with y-you," Chenle answered, his cheeks turning crimson red.

"Great! I'll pick you up at noon."

Chenle covered his face with his hands, not wanting Jisung to see him in a state of gay panic.

"You're so cute when you blush. Don't cover your face!" Jisung exclaimed, removing Chenle's hands from his face and fixing his slightly messy hair.

"Alright! We get it you like each other. There are other people here you know?" Jeno rolled his eyes at Jisung.

"Oh shut up, hyung! We all know you wanna rail Jaemin-hyung," the maknae replied.

Jaemin choked on the water he was drinking causing him to get in to a coughing fit. A slight pink color to sneak up to his cheeks. Jeno quickly rushed to his aid, rubbing his hands on the blue hair's back.


"Hey why are you guys so quiet? I haven't seen you talk at all," Donghyuck stated making the rest of the group turn to Yangyang and Renjun and agree with Donghyuck.

"We don't have anything to talk about. We don't have that many things in common," Renjun answered emotionlessly.

"Oh cut the bullshit! What's going on between you two?" Chenle asked in Chinese so the rest wouldn't understand.

"Nothing is going on between us Chenle," Renjun replied coldness laced in his tone.

"We really don't have anything to talk about," Yangyang added.

"Ugh! Fine!"

The bell rang and everyone went back to their classes. Today is a normal day with absolutely nothing interesting at all. That is....until school ended and Renjun is walking home alone.

AN: hiiii, how's everyone's day going?

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