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Buz!!! Buz!!! Buz!!!

The alarm clock rang as jeno reached over to turn the loud sound off. He looked over at the clock that says 6:40.

"Shit. Shit! Shit!! Everyone wake the fuck up!!! We have to be in school in 20 minutes!" He yelled as he shook his own boyfriend awake and ran out to get ready.

"Why does school start so early," Renjun mumbled, sitting up and rubbing his eyes softly.

The rest of the group started to wake up one by one. They showered and got dressed in record time. The 8 of them walked out the door and headed to school. Small chitchat were made along the way and everything was going great until Jeno put his arm on Renjun's shoulder.

"Sup Junie"

"Hey Jeno!" the small boy enthusiastically and replied back with a smile. They talked normally like any close friend would, but behind them is Yangyang sulking.

"How come Jeno can do that but when I do it, he pushes my arm off," Yangyang mumbled to himself.

"Don't be so jealous, dude," Jaemin suddenly popped up by his side.

"Am I that obvious?"

Jaemin only gave him a look as an answer. Yangyang could only look at them and sulk quietly to himself. Not long after, they arrived at school, somehow managing to arrive on time. All of them put their stuff in their lockers and headed off to their classes.


I wanna eat cake

What chu want me to do about it?

Can we go to a cafe after school


thx yangie


After school

Mr.Kim decided that he wouldn't be a bitch today, so he released the students 5 minutes early. Yangyang decided to grab his and Renjun's stuff from their lockers then meet the other at Renjun's class. Which cafe should I take him to? Taeyong hyung's cafe has really nice strawberry cake. Yea, I'll take him there.

Shortly after, Renjun walked out of class giddily, excited to eat cake. Yangyang smiled, happy to see his best friend getting the happiness he deserves.

"Hi Yangie! Were you waiting here long? Sorry..."

"Nope! I just arrived a minute ago actually. And I got your stuff. Let's go before the hall gets crowded."

He took the smaller's hand and guided him to the parking lot. They got in the car with Yangyang in the driver's seat and headed to Taeyong's cafe. The car ride was full of music and the older's angelic voice. Yangyang parked his car in front of the shop. The smell of chocolate and strawberries immediately hitting their noses as soon as they walked in.

"Taeyong hyung!" Yangyang greeted as soon as he saw the older.

"Yangyang! Oh my god, it's been so long since I last saw you. And who is this little cutie pie." Taeyong replied back and looked over at a smiling Renjun.

"This is Renjun. He's my childhood friend who just moved here two months ago." the youngest said, putting an arm around Renjun as if saying "he's mine."

They told Taeyong their order and went to sit down at a table. They ate the delicious cakes and talked to Taeyong more. Pretty soon it was 5pm and Renjun looked like he's about to drift off to sleep. Maybe he didn't sleep well last night.

"Junie, why don't you go wait in the car while I pay."

Yangyang handed him the car keys. Renjun was walking out of the cafe sleepily when someone called his name.

"Huang Renjun!"

He turned around to be greeted with someone he never thought would see again.


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