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It has been a month since Renjun moved in with his best friend. Life was going great. His Korean improved. He's having fun with his friends and Yangyang. Renjun realized that he had a crush on his best friend and is trying to get over it.

On the other hand, Yangyang also realized that he had a crush on Renjun and is trying to court him. But when ever he flirted with Renjun, he didn't notice. It's frustrating, but who could blame the boy for being so clueless.


On this fine Sunday morning, our favorite couple are baking cookies(or at least trying to). They were trying to incorporate the flour in when Yangyang accidentally spilled some on Renjun's shirt, causing the older to grab some flour and throw it on his best friend moments later. Which leads us to what is happening now.

"Liu Yangyang! Get back here! Oh you are so dead!!" Renjun shouted as he chased Yangyang around the kitchen with a handful of flour.

"You're gonna have to catch me HAHA!!"

As if on queue, Renjun tripped and fell on Yangyang. They were both laughing so hard. Renjun rolled off the younger and laid there are a moment until both of their laughter died down. Yangyang got up and helped Renjun get up. They looked around, realizing what a mess they made.

"We should probably clean this up," Renjun pointed out.

"Yup! Here, wipe your face. It's all white haha," Yangyang handed the other a towel after he wiped his own face.

"Did I get it all?" Renjun asked, still giggling.

"Nope. There's still some right there."


"Here lemme wipe it."

Yangyang brought his hand to the smaller's face and wiped off the excess flour with his thumb. Their eyes met making them forget about the world around them. Yangyang looked into his best friend's eyes that held stars in them. His eyes flickered down to Renjun's lips and back to his eyes. The taller started to lean in as the younger closed his eyes, awaiting the kiss.


Yangyang's phone rang, snapping both of them back to reality. Renjun pushed Yangyang away and ran to the bathroom as quickly as his legs can run.

"Wait! Renjun!!" Yangyang shouted, but he was too slow.

That did not just happen!!!! I almost kissed my best friend and crush. Omg I'm gonna pass out.

Meanwhile, in the kitchen

Ughhhh!!! I was so close! Whoever called me better have a good reason.

He looked at the caller ID, seeing that it's one of his friends. He picked up the call ready to throw insults at his friend.

"Fuck you Jeno!"

"What did I do??" Jeno questioned sounding offended.

"You ruined my moment! You better have a good reason to call or imma punch you so hard."

"Ok! Ok! Geez! I called to tell you that we don't have school tomorrow cuz the principal got really sick or something. I think all the teachers went to say goodbye or whatever." Jeno explained.

"If that is the only reason you called me, prepare some ice packs for your face." Yangyang threatened calmly but it somehow sounded scarier than if he was angry.

"No! No. I also wanted to say that since we don't have school tomorrow, I wanna have a sleepover at my house. We're gonna invite the angels as well, cuz let's be honest, we all like them. So bring Renjun and we're gonna play truth or dare and also spin the bottle. And maybe some 7 minutes in heaven too😏." Jeno told Yangyang his plans so hopefully he won't get beaten up by his friend.

"That's actually not a bad idea. Ok! We'll be there by 5."

Yangyang went back to the kitchen to finish making cookies, knowing that Renjun would hide in the bathroom as long as possibly can. Fuck you Jeno! I almost got a boyfriend and you ruined it!

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