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It has been a week since Renjun moved in and everything is going great except for the fact that Renjun keeps having nightmares. The poor boy has been traumatized.

You. Disgusting. Faggot!!

Renjun woke up with sweat covering this body and tears coming out of his eyes. He couldn't stop crying as past images of his dad abusing him flooded into his head.

Yangyang woke up to the sound of crying and immediately rushed to Renjun's side. He pulled Renjun into a hug and rocked him back and forth.

"Shhh. I'm right here Junie. No one can hurt you. You're safe here." He whispered softly while rubbing the smaller's back and kissing his head.


"Don't l-leave me a-again."


Renjun got out between sobs, hugging Yangyang tightly as if his best friend is going to fade away if he let go.

"Shhh I'm not going anywhere Junie. I'm staying with you forever."

"Stop crying please?"

"You should be smiling and happy. Someone as sweet as you isn't meant for crying and tears."  Yangyang said as he pulled away to wipe Renjun's tears. Renjun had stopped crying.

"Come on Junie. Let's go to sleep."

Yangyang helped Renjun lay down on the bed and laid himself down. He put his arms around Renjun's small body to comfort him. The small boy soon fell asleep in Yangyang's arms. He admired how pretty the boy infront of him is. He admired the sleeping figure for a good 10 minutes before looking at the clock to see that is it 9:33.

He got up, careful not to wake up the sleeping boy. He took off his shirt that is now wet from Renjun's tears. The Chinese made his way to the kitchen and started to make waffles.

Renjun woke up half an hour later to the smell of bacon. He walked in to the kitchen to see a shirtless Yangyang cooking making him blush. The taller turned around to see an adorable sight of Renjun blushing. How can someone be this adorable? UGHHH what is this boy doing to me?!

Renjun looked over to the counter to see his favorite breakfast. His eyes sparkled wanting to eat it already.


"Yeah, I remembered that you liked them so I wanted to make it for you."

"Can I eat it?"

"Obviously! I made it for you. But go take a shower first. We're gonna have a movie marathon today"


Renjun skipped excitedly to the bathroom causing Yangyang to chuckle at his childish behavior.


It was now 10pm and the pair were watching a movie. A horror movie to be specific. As the movie went on, Renjun moved closer and closer to Yangyang. The big jump scare came up causing the small boy to hug his best friend tightly. Yangyang didn't really pay attention to the movie, just the boy that buried his face in his chest, only peaking out once in a while. They stayed like that until the movie ended.

The credits were running when Renjun finally looked up to see Yangyang staring at him. He realized what position they are in and immediately moved away.

"S-Sorry!" He apologized, while blushing. Yangyang only chuckled in response.

"C'mon, let's go to bed. It's late."

They got ready for bed. Yangyang was about to lay down on the couch when Renjun said something that made his heart flutter. 

"Yang...C-Can you s-sleep on the b-bed with me t-tonight?"

"Of course" Yangyang smiled and made his way over to his bed.

"Yanggg we shouldn't have watched that movie. Now I'm scared."

Yangyang chuckled. He could tell the other is pouting just by the sound of his voice. Adorable. Yangyang moved closer to Renjun and put an arm around his small waist, pulling the other into his embrace. Also stroking his hair lightly to comfort him.

"Less scared?"

"Y-Yes" Renjun stuttered, almost inaudible. He could feel his heart racing, afraid that the younger would hear it.

Get it together Renjun! This isn't the first time you've hugged Yangyang! Man, how could someone so muscular and yet so gentle at the same time. This is comfortable. I could get used to this....

Both of them drifted to sleep soon. Tonight Renjun didn't wake up to nightmares and finally got the good night sleep he deserved.

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