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Yangyang woke up to sun light shining in his eyes and an ethereal Renjun sleeping soundly next to him. The younger stared at Renjun's peaceful state until he realized that they have to go to school today. He got up and decided to let the older sleep until he comes out of the shower since they're not in a hurry.

Not long after, Yangyang came out of the bathroom with only his pants on. He walked over to Renjun's side of the bed and leaned down to give him a sweet kiss.

"Morning, sunshine."

Renjun slowly fluttered his eyes open, his mouth instantly forming into a smile when he saw Yangyang's face. But that smile soon faded as blood rushed to his cheeks when he saw his best friend half naked.


"Get up we have to go to school. I'll make breakfast while you shower."

"Fineeee" Renjun groaned and fell back on the bed, having Yangyang pull him up to get him out of bed.


Lunch break

Renjun and Yangyang walked in holding hands. The others were not fazed as they are used to this type of behavior from them. What did catch their attention is when Yangyang pulled Renjun to sit on his lap and the latter didn't push him away.

"You two finally got together or something?" Mark asked curiously with the rest of the group silently staring at the pair.

"I guess you could say that," Yangyang replied back, leaning forward to give Renjun a kiss on his cheeks. The smaller blushed bright red as the group cooed at the adorable sight.

"Yang! You can't just do that in public! In front of our friends?!" Renjun whisper shouted to his best friend.

"Why? You're too cute I can't resist."

The older couldn't say anything back after that cheesy line. He pulled out his lunch box and fed Yangyang a slice of apple. They talked and laugh about anything and everything.

"Hey, you wanna go on a date tomorrow? Let's get ice cream and go picnicking after school." Yangyang spoke to Renjun when the rest of the group were in their own world.

"Y-yeah. That sounds r-really n-nice." He managed to stutter out while blushing.

"OoOooOh~ your first dAaAaaTeE~" Chenle spoke up, catching the pair off guarded.

"Oh my god, Lele. I forget you're Chinese sometimes." Renjun suddenly turned to the latter in surprise.

"How could you? I'm hurt." Chenle said dramatically. By now, their conversation has caught the attention of the rest of the group.

"In case you forgot about us, we wanna know too." Haechan spoke up.

Chenle looked over to Renjun shaking his head, telling him not to tell the group. Yangyang on the other hand gave him a thumbs up and smiled.

"They're going on their first date!!"

The group let out some awes and teased Renjun. The small boy pouted from all the teasing which earned some cheek pinching from Jaemin who sat next to them. Safe to say, Renjun is safe and happy, extremely happy.

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