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"Let's play truth or dare!!"

"Sure. One question for each person then we're gonna have to eat something." Jaemin said, like the mother that he is.

"Ok. Chenle! Go first!" Donghyuck suggested.


"Truth or dare." Donghyuck asked.

"Dare duh." he sassed back.

"I dare you to make Jisung jealous in 10 seconds." Donghyuck grinned mischievously.

Jisung started fuming not even a second after hyuck said that. A round of "ooh" went around the circle. Chenle laughed nervously before getting up, well a dare is a dare. He looked around to see how he should do this dare. His eyes met Renjun who was fiddling with the pillow in his hand. I could totally make Yangyang jealous of Renjun, too. He thought as he smirked.

"Hyuck hyung! Be ready with the timer."

Chenle sat in front of the other Chinese and smiled nervously. Jisung was staring intensely at him making chills run down his spine. Yangyang is glaring at him like he had just killed his pet hamster. Man, im so gonna regret this later.


The younger pulled Renjun in to a hug softly after hearing Hyuck say that. Renjun hugged him back to play along. Jaemin took pictures of this moment where Jisung and Yangyang desperately want to go separate the two.

"10 seconds!"

Chenle went back to his seat and attempted to lighten his boyfriend's mood.

"Lele choose the next person."

"Jaemin hyung! Truth or dare?"

"Dare" jaemin shrugged.

"Eat this strawberry" Chenle handed a piece to Jaemin who looked disgusted.

"Zhong Chenle I hate you." the Korean male said bitterly.

He eyed the strawberry for 20 seconds before getting the courage to take the smallest itty bitty bite they have ever seen.

"Ugh! You're no fun Jaemin hyung" Chenle whined and leaned his head down to jisung's shoulder. They played for an hour more, earning a slight scolding from Jaemin who told them to only play one round.

"Ok! last round, people!"

They spun the bottle and sure enough it landed on our one and only Yangyang.

"Yangyang, truth or dare."


"Do you like someone?" Hyuck asked as a round of ooh's went around the room, catching the attention of a certain Chinese male.

"What are you, twelve?" Yangyang scoffed back.

"Just answer it!"

"Fine! No, I don't like anyone ok?" the male replied, but glanced at his best friend lovingly despite of his answer. Everyone seemed to have noticed his glance except the boy he was looking at.

"Booooo. You're no fun." Jaemin said while smiling knowingly.

While everyone was talking, Renjun was quiet, lost in thought. He doesn't like anyone.... I don't have a chance anyways. Renjun, shut up! He's your best friend!

It seems like someone noticed that he isn't talking because an arm was wrapped around his shoulder. He looked up and saw Yangyang smiling softly at him, face close to his. The sight made blush creep on to his cheeks slightly.

"What's going on in that head of yours, Junie?


No response was given from the smaller. He simply looked down at the floor.

"Are you ok? We can go home if you'd like."

"No it's fine. I'm fine Yang," the smaller said quietly and showed his best friend a small smile.

Yangyang wasn't convinced but decided to leave it at that, not wanting to pry in on the other's private matters.

"Can we order something to eat? I'm so hungryyyy," Mark whined.

"I told you," Jaemin rolled his eyes slightly.

"Let's order some pizza."

After that they ate and played more games, laughing until their stomach hurts, and then went to bed. That night was definitely a core memory for all of them.

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