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Today is the day that Yangyang is going to tell Renjun about his father's deal. It has been a month since they got together and it has been the best month of their lives. Going on dates, watching movies, cuddling, and sweet kisses.

Yangyang had planned it perfectly. They'll go get ice cream in Renjun's favorite store. Then, Yangyang will buy Renjun a Moomin plush at the mall and finally end the day with a movie at home. Yangyang will tell him after the movie is finished.

It's now 11 A.M. and both teens are getting ready to head out. Yangyang had already finished and was waiting for Renjun to get dressed. The latter came out of the room wearing a white button down, that's unbuttoned until the 3rd button, and black ripped jeans. Yangyang eyed him from head to toe observing every little detail, making Renjun blush furiously.

Yangyang got up and walked over to the smaller. His hands buttoning one of the buttons up.

"I don't want anyone hitting on you ok?"

They headed out the door and drove to the ice cream store. The day went perfectly, just like Yangyang had planned.


The movie was now almost finished and the younger is starting to get nervous. He glanced over at his boyfriend being wrapped in a blanket and paying close attention to the movie. How lucky is he to have such a cute boyfriend. The credits started to run and Yangyang thought this would be the perfect time to tell Renjun.

"Junnie," Yangyang called out catching the attention of the older who hummed as a response.

"I need to tell you something," the taller said in Korean which made Renjun get concerned because he only talks in Korean when something serious is going on.

"I-um...My dad, h-he wants me and Kun-ge to find a partner to get married to or at least get engaged to. He gave us 2 months to find one or he's gonna set up an arranged marriage for us. It's been-OH my god baby why are you crying?!"

Yangyang looked up from fidgeting on his lap to see a teary Renjun. He immediately rushed the smaller into his arms, burying his face in his chest.

"Yangie, are you gonna break up with me?" he said through sniffles.

"Baby no! Of course not! The opposite actually...Renjun? Will you marry me?"

That sentence caught the older off guard. Renjun is overwhelmed with emotions which caused him to burst out into more tears. Yangyang panicked even more.

"Jun, you don't have to say yes. I won't force you to. I know it's been only 1 month since we started dating. I don't want to rush you. I-I completely understand," the latter said, disappointment and sadness laced in his voice. He turned away from Renjun.

"N-No! I mean yES! YES YANGYANG I'LL MARRY YOU. You are my best friend since we were little. I've loved you back then too, but I didn't realize it. I love yo-"

He didn't get to finish that sentence as Yangyang grabbed his face softly and kissed him deeply. He kisses back with no hesitation. After a minute they pulled apart and rested their foreheads together.

"I love you so much, Huang Renjun. Thank you for coming into my life again."

"You never left mine. I love you too, Lui Yangyang."


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