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Yangyang woke up to the alarm blaring across the room at 6am, but somehow Renjun is still asleep. Yangyang admired the beautiful boy in a peaceful state until he decided to wake him up.

"Junie, time to wake up. We have school today." Yangyang said, shaking Renjun to wake him up.

"NoOoOoo...I doNt WanNa." Renjun whined squirming around, refusing to open his eyes.

"Ok fine. I'll go take a shower first, but by the time I come out you better be awake or I'm gonna carry you in to the shower myself."

"Mhmm...." Renjun hummed, falling back asleep.

"Alright Huang Renjun! I'm finished!"

Yangyang walked out of the bathroom with a towel covering his lower half to see Renjun sitting on the edge of the bed. The small boy who was half awake looked at Yangyang with wide eyes and blush on his cheeks. He quickly looked away once he realized what he's doing. Yangyang smirked to himself knowing he made Renjun flustered for the second time already.

"Get in the shower Junie, here are some clothes for you to wear," the younger said as he threw some clothes to Renjun.

Yangyang got dressed and went down to make some breakfast while Renjun showered. Soon, the older walked into the kitchen wearing only Yangyang's oversized sweater that draped down to his thighs. Yangyang checked him out secretly finding him sexy, luckily the smaller didn't notice.

"Yang...do you have any smaller pants those were too big for me. The shorts I wore yesterday is fine if you don't have anything else."

"I don't think I have anything else. Would you be cold if you wore that to school?" Yangyang said, regretting that he doesn't have anything smaller because he doesn't want anyone else seeing Renjun in shorts.

"No I'd be fine. Thanks!" Renjun tan upstairs to get the shorts.

They ate breakfast and left for school. When they arrived everyone was curious as to why the new kid is coming to school with one of the most popular boys. They made their ways to their lockers as some boys were checking Renjun out without him noticing. Yangyang could only glare at them, because he couldn't just go up to them and tell them that Renjun is taken. Who is he to be possessive of his best friend? They said goodbye and went to class after that.


"What's up gays!" Chenle walked up to the lunch table being the last one to get there. He sat down on Jisung's lap. No one was surprised, I mean they've been flirting for like a week now and they've known each other for months.

"Chenle! You can't just say that. We don't know if the others are gay." Jaemin scolded the Chinese making him pout.

"No it's ok Jaemin. Me and Jeno are bi, Jisung is pan, and Yangyang is gay."

"See, Jaemin hyung?" Chenle said proudly.

"What's up with those two? When did they get so close?" Hyuck said motioning to Yangyang and Renjun who were giggling at something, not noticing others looking at them.

"Renjun-ge! Yangyang-ge!" Chenle yelled successfully catching their attention.

"What?" Yangyang replied.

"I asked when did you get so close?" Donghyuck repeated.

"Do you wanna tell them or should I?" Yangyang turned to Renjun to ask.

"You can tell them. My Korean still isn't great."

"Ok! So me and Renjun are actually childhood friends, but I moved here 5 years ago without telling him. He was mad at me, but we made up yesterday so we're friends again." Yangyang told, surprising everyone.

"Ok...I guess that explains it." Jaemin said still shocked at the new information he just learned.


The last bell rang, Renjun and Yangyang met up in the hallway. They decided to go get Renjun's stuff today. As they got closer to the house, Renjun got visibly more nervous. Yangyang parked in front of the house and held Renjun's shaking hands.

"Hey Junie, I'm right here ok? I'm not gonna let him hurt you again." Yangyang said in an attempt to calm the boy down.

"Let's go...the quicker we get in the quicker we get out." Renjun got out of the car and unlocked the door with Yangyang following behind.


No response.

They walked in to find no one in the house. Renjun let out a sigh of relief and headed up to his room. He grabbed his suitcase and started packing with Yangyang's help.

They finished with his room almost empty. The pair were about to leave when Renjun let out the most adorable gasp.

"Moomin!! How could I forget you!" Renjun exclaimed as he ran to his bed to pick up the white plushy on his bed. Yangyang chuckled at Renjun who's acting like a little kid playing with his toy.

"Let's go Yang." He said, pulling Yangyang who was dragging his luggage back to the car.

They made their way back to Yangyang's apartment. It seemed like Renjun's life is finally going right for once. He is actually laughing and enjoying his teenage years with the help of Yangyang, of course.

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