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"I'm boredddddd! Let's play spin the bottle!!"

Donghyuck secretly winked at Jaemin and Chenle. They immediately knew what he was up to and nodded knowingly.

"Absolutely not! I'm not letting you kiss someone else." Mark argued, Jisung and Jeno agreeing. Yangyang agreed too, but he couldn't say that out loud.

"Awww c'mon! It doesn't have to be in the lips. It'll be fun! Pleaseeeee." Chenle responded while giving Jisung puppy eyes, knowing that he will give in.

"Pleaseeeeeeeee" Donghyuck and Jaemin did the same towards their boyfriends. It didn't take long for them to cave in.

"Yay!!! Let's start. I'll go grab a bottle!" Renjun said as he got up and grabbed a bottle. Please be kind to me and don't land on Yangyang, bottle.

When he came back everyone was sitting in a circle, leaving one space for him. Unfortunately, for him, it is next to Yangyang, the only person he had hoped to avoid. The younger Chinese, looked up and patted the ground, motioning for him to sit down. He sat down carefully and placed the bottle in the middle of the circle.

"Ok! Who's going first?" Donghyuck asked.

"Me!!" Chenle volunteered and reached his hand out to spin the bottle.

It went round and round before landing on Mark. Jisung immediately glared at the older.

"Mark-hyung!!!" Chenle cheered in a high pitched, dolphin like voice. Jisung's glare got even sharper if that's possible.

"Blame the bottle, man." Mark said before holding Chenle's hand and kissed it shortly.

"Ooh! Ooh! I'm next!" Jaemin said before spinning the bottle.

Fortunately, it landed on his overprotective boyfriend. Jeno pulled Jaemin in to a kiss. A few moments passed and the kiss got a bit more heated. Yangyang cleared his throat to remind them that there are still other people in this room, and that is when the finally pulled apart.

"Fuck you Yangyang," Jeno mumbled, flipping him off.

"Now you know how it feels!"

They played a few more rounds. Each round causing each boyfriend to become more and more jealous.

"Renjun! You haven't played! C'mon!"


He spun the bottle praying that it wouldn't land on his best friend. Unfortunately, luck wasn't on his side that day. Renjun cursed inside his head, but Yangyang cheered.

"What are you waiting for? Just kiss already!" Donghyuck said as he got impatient.

Renjun's face flushed as Yangyang started to lean in. They got closer and closer until their faces were only inches apart.

"This is a make-up for this morning when Jeno interrupted us." Yangyang said before pecking Renjun's cheek softly.

Memories from this morning rushed back into his head causing the smaller's face became completely red. He hid his face in his hands as he heard cheers coming from his friends. He's even more adorable when he's shy. Ugh! So cute!!!

"Chenle! Translate right now! What did Yangyang say for Junie to blush this hard!" Jeno screamed at Chenle.

"Fuck!! I forgot you're Chinese!" Yangyang yelled back.

"Zhong Chenle! If you tell anyone what he said I will tell everyone about that time you-UMPHHDKDH!!!" Before Renjun could finish that sentence, Chenle jumped on top of him and covered his mouth.

"OK!! Ok! I won't tell anyone!"

"So????" Jaemin questioned.

"He blackmailed me! I can't tell you guys!" Chenle pouted. Groans were heard throughout the group, but they continued the game nevertheless.

Eventually they got bored of spin the bottle.

"Let's play truth or dare!!"

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