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"Junie, we're gonna have a sleepover at Jeno's! Come out and pack your stuff!" Yangyang yelled in front of the locked bathroom door, where Renjun is hiding.

"Y-You go a-ahead! I'm s-still not d-done!" He stuttered, still flustered from what happened.

"Ok! But you know you can't hide in there forever right?" Yangyang teased and left to pack his bag.

Ok Renjun. Pull yourself together. We'll just pretend that didn't happen. Yes! Good idea. Whew! Ok let's go.

He walked out of the bathroom and went to pack his pajamas and some games for the sleepover. Renjun walked out of his room with his bag in hand and headed to the door. Yangyang was already waiting for him there. His face flushed as the memory of what happened earlier floated in his head. The younger lightly laughed at how cute the older looked while blushing.

"Are you ready? C'mon let's go!"

They got in the car with Yangyang driving. The whole car ride is silent except for music playing on the radio. They finally arrived after the excruciatingly long ass ride. Renjun was in awe at how gorgeous Jeno's house, touching everything on his way to find Jeno.

"Jeno's room is upstairs to the left, sir," the maid said startling Renjun.

"T-Thank you!" Renjun immediately ran upstairs to find Jeno with Yangyang following behind.

"Jeno!!" the smaller boy shouted as he jumped on Jeno's bed, laying next to the boy.

"Sup Jun."

Yangyang soon walked in on a scene of his crush laying beside his friend who is pinching his cheeks. He glared at Jeno, sending chills down his spine. Renjun got up to use the bathroom leaving the two to themselves.

"What?! He's the one that jumped on my bed!" Jeno whispered so the boy wouldn't hear them talking.

"So you decide to pinch his cheeks?? Those are for me to kiss!"

"Well then kiss them already! It's been almost 3 months Yang! The rest of us already got boyfriends."

"How-" Yangyang was cut off by a loud shout.

"NANA!!!" they heard Renjun yell from down the hall.

"Why is your best friend acting so weird today. And he better not be hugging my boyfriend." Jeno said as they walked out to see the newly arrived guest.

"I think he's trying to forget the fact that we almost kissed. That or he's trying to make me jealous which is absolutely working." the boy said through gritted teeth.

"You what?!"

"Yeah yeah I know...but the key word is almost."

What Jeno guessed was correct. Renjun was really clinging to Jaemin. The blue haired looked at his boyfriend with pleading eyes, silently asking him to get this small boy off of him. Jeno, who has a right to be jealous unlike Yangyang here, walked up to the two of them and tried to pry the smaller off of his boyfriend. Yangyang could only stand there, even more jealous now that Jeno is carrying Renjun and placed him on the ground.

"Jun. Please don't cling to my boyfriend like that."

"You're so overprotective Jeno-ya." Renjun whined.

"Well, you gotta protect what you have right?"

The four boys went to talk in the living room while waiting for the rest of the group. Soon they arrived one by one. They were just eating and joking around until Donghyuck had suggested that they play a game.

"Let's play spin the bottle!!"

broken promise | yangren/renyangWhere stories live. Discover now