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"It's about father"

"Um....Renjun, do you mind if we go talk in my room?" Yangyang asked.

"Go ahead! I don't mind."

Kun and Yangyang went in to the bedroom to discuss the matter. As soon as the door closed, Yangyang sighed.

"What does he want from me now?"

"Yang, are you serious about this relationship with Renjun?" Kun asked fidgeting with his fingers as if he's anxious about something.

"He's the most amazing person I have ever met. I've been in relationships before, but none of those feelings could ever compare to what I feel when I'm with Renjun. He's the most precious thing to me and I will protect him at all costs. So, yes, I'm very serious. Why do you ask?" Yangyang spoke with stars in his eyes and he thought about his best friend.

"Yang, father um- he wants us to find partners. He's giving us 2 months to find suitable partners to get married to or he's gonna arrange one for us." Kun told his brother nervously.

"HE WHAT?!!?!?" the younger screamed in shock.

"I'm 17 and you're 20. We haven't even graduated yet aND HE WANTS US TO GET MARRIED?!?!!" Yangyang was going frantic at this point.

"Yangyang, quiet down. He'll make us get married after we graduate from college. He wants us to have time to get to know our partners before getting married."

"That's still not any better"

Yangyang sighed and sat on the bed stressed. Kun sat down beside him.

"Dude, you have Renjun. If you're really serious about him then why not choose him."

"Ge, we only started dating today. I don't wanna pressure him into getting married with me."

Yangyang didn't want Renjun to get creeped out. He shuddered at the thought of Renjun breaking up with him.

"Kun-ge, what about you?"

Kun looked back at his brother sadly. His eyes looking lost.

"What about me?" He tried to smile to make his little brother feel better. Little did he know, the younger saw right through his mask.

"What about your boyfriends? Is father gonna accept a polyamorous relationship? Have you told them yet?" Yangyang rubbed his brother's back to help the man on the verge of tears.

"I-I don't know. I haven't told them yet. I c-can't just choose one of them to get married t-to! God! Why is this happening right when I finally have a normal life!" Kun sobbed as Yangyang pulled him into a hug.

Just then they heard the door open, revealing Renjun peaking his head through the door. As soon as he saw his Ge's tearful face, he immediately ran over to the bed and hugged Kun on the other side. Kun was taken aback but then hugged back.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have intruded. I heard sobbing and I couldn't just leave you." Renjun said, his voice muffled from burying his face in Kun's shoulder.

"It's ok Renjun. Thanks for being worried about me."

Renjun knew it wasn't his place to ask what the brothers were taking about so he simply stayed hugging Kun and Yangyang.

broken promise | yangren/renyangWhere stories live. Discover now