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TW: rape!

Today is a normal day with absolutely nothing interesting at all. That is until school ended and Renjun is walking home alone.

Renjun was walking home alone when a man, probably in his late thirties, came up to him.

"Hey sweetheart, wanna grab a drink? I'll pay," the man said seductively.

"No, I'm g-good, but th-thanks for the o-offer." Renjun answered, trying his best not to seem nervous and scared.

"Come on honey, at least come to my house."

"I s-said no!" Renjun shouted trying to run away but the old man held his wrist tightly.

Renjun squirmed around, trying to escape the man's hold while getting dragged in to an alley. The small boy is terrified as he used all his strength to get free, but it's no use.

The boy got pinned to a wall and was now crying for someone to help him. The man started to unbutton Renjun's shirt as Renjun tried to push him away.

"H-Help!! Please!!!!" Renjun sobbed repeatedly, shutting his eyes not wanting to see the scene in front of him.

Well it seems like god heard his prayers because he heard grunting sounds and no one was pinning him to the wall anymore. Renjun opened his eyes to see a boy punching the old man who was laying on the ground.

"Don't. You. Ever. Touch. Him. Again! Do you understand me?!?!"

Renjun recognized that voice. Yangyang.
More tears poured out of his eyes.

"You piece of shit! Stand up!" Yangyang ordered.

The man did as told, not wanting to get punched again. Yangyang grabbed his phone out and took a picture of the beaten up man to give to the police later. He let go of his hold on the man and the future jailer immediately ran away.

Yangyang wasted no time to run to Renjun. The taller immediately brought the crying smaller in to a tight hug while whispering comforting words in his ear.

"Yangie" Renjun sobbed in Yangyang's comforting arms.

"It's ok Renjun, I'm here. You're safe. No one is gonna hurt you anymore. Yangyang is here." Yangyang whispered repeatedly while rubbing Renjun's back to calm him down.

After a few more minutes, Renjun stopped crying. Yangyang pulled away to check on the older. The smaller had fallen asleep. The taller decided to take Renjun to his apartment. He called a cab and carried Renjun bridal style into the apartment.

He set Renjun down on his bed, helping him find a comfortable position. He looked at Renjun's face, sleeping peacefully.

Cute.. Wait What?! He shook the thought off after realizing what he thought.

I'll never let anyone hurt you again Junie. He vowed as he stroked Renjun's hair.

Half an hour later, the shorter started squirming around and started pulling at his sweater. Yangyang figured that he was feeling hot, so he helped him take it off.

What are these?!

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