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TW: *violence*

"Huang Renjun!"

Renjun's heartbeat sped up quickly as he started hyper ventilating. His bastard of a father started walking closer and closer to him. The boy stepped backwards until his back eventually hit the wall.

"How dare you runaway from me. From our home. YOU FUCKING FAGGOT!!!"

He closed his eyes shut as he saw his father's hand raising in to the air.


He had gotten slapped by his father. For the first time in months. But this is the hardest he was ever been slapped. What did I do to deserve this. He thought as his father continued slapping him. His face cover with tears and even some blood at the corner of his mouth.




Suddenly, the slapping stopped. He hesitated to open his eyes at first until he heard cries of pain coming from his father. Renjun slowly opened his eyes to see Yangyang beating up his dad. The younger leaned down and whispered something in his father's ear making fear be shown in his eyes. Needless to say, he won't be coming back any time soon.


Yangyang's peircing gaze turned to a soft one when he turned to see his best friend's face. He pulled the older in to a tight hug as Renjun sobbed.

"You're safe now Renjun"

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have left you alone."

"Stop crying please my junie."

A couple minutes passed until Renjun calmed down in Yangyang's arms. Once the younger was sure that Renjun is better, he drove them back home. Throughout the entire drive back, the older didn't say a thing and a few stray tears left his eyes.

They arrived home, but Renjun still seems to be deep in thought. So, without saying a word, Yangyang grabbed his hand gently and got him out of the car. The younger put his arms around the other's shoulder to guide him to the apartment. Renjun only looked down at the ground.

Once they have reached Yangyang's apartment. The ladder settled Renjun on the couch as he left to get the first aid kit. By the time he came back, his best friend was in tears again.

"Yangie..." Renjun said, voice trembling as he reached his hand out to Yangyang.

"I'm here Junie. I'm right here. I'm not leaving you again. I'm gonna protect you forever." Yangyang said as he hugged his best friend tightly. Both of them pulled away and locked eyes.

"I'm sorry I couldn't protect you Renjun." the younger said, caressing Renjun's cheek with his hand.

The older leaned in to the touch and shook his head. "It's not your fault, Yang. You've given me enough."

Yangyang then grabbed some gauze and medicine out of the first aid kit. He dabbed it gently at Renjun's face, hearing the smaller wince every time. "Just a little longer, ok?" Renjun nodded to reply.

"Done! Did I hurt you too much?" He turned away to put back everything. He turned back to be met with Renjun looking at him with those big doe eyes. They locked eyes and both of their hearts sped up just as fast.

Yangyang couldn't wait any longer. He kissed Renjun. The smaller was shocked to say the least, but eventually melted into the kiss. It felt like fireworks exploded in their stomachs. Yangyang felt a hand on his chest and that's when he understood, he pulled away to give Renjun some air. They panted as they stared at each other.

"I like you, Junie."

broken promise | yangren/renyangWhere stories live. Discover now