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March 23rd 2011

Ding dong! The sound of the doorbell echoing through the house followed by foot steps running to the door.

"Yangyang!!" a ten year old Renjun yelled hugging(strangling) a nine year old Yangyang.

"Renjun honey, let go of Yangyang. He can't breathe." A woman appeared behind Renjun holding his shoulders.

"Ok mom!"

"Happy birthday Renjun!! Here's your present." Yangyang said after finishing his coughing fit.

The birthday boy gasped while tearing the wrapping paper and opening the small box.

"It's so pretty!" Renjun said excitedly, pulling out the friendship bracelet and putting it on his wrist.

"What is that?" Renjun questioned as he pulled out a piece of paper at the bottom of the box. On the paper it says:

Once we sign this paper, we are promising to be best friends forever and ever and ever and ever!

________ ________

"Let's sign it!!!" Yangyang said handing his best friend a crayon.

Renjun jumped up and down in excitement after he and Yangyang signed the paper.

"You mean it Yangyang? Forever and ever and ever?"

"I mean it junnie, I won't ever leave you."

"You're the bestest ever, Yangyang!" -11 years old


August 30th 2013

Renjun sat alone on the swing feeling upset that his best friend didn't come to their regular hangout place. "Yangyang, where are you?" he thought.

"Renjun sweetie, we have to go home now. It's getting dark." His mom appeared to pick him up.

"But he might come mom. Or he's hurt. We should check on him. Let's go to his house. Pleaseeeeeeeeee"

"I suppose that's fine, let's go."


That's what Renjun saw at the door of Yangyang's house. That is what caused Renjun to ask thousands of questions his poor mother can't answer. That is what caused Renjun to tear up and cry nonstop for hours. That is what caused Renjun to hate Yangyang.

"You broke our promise, Yangyang." -12 years old


September 11th 2016

Renjun and his dad walked in to the hospital to visit his mother for the hundredth time. But this time is different from the rest because it will be his last, he just doesn't know it yet.

"Hi mom." The small boy walked in to his mother's room, sitting beside her bed while his dad sat on the couch. His dad grabbed out his computer to do work, he was always a workaholic barely giving Renjun and his mom any attention.

"Hi sweetie, how was school." his mom said weakly, sounding as if she has no more energy left in her.

"It was fine. I had lunch with Dejun-ge, Hendery-ge, Lucas-ge and Winwin-ge as usual. Winwin-ge helped me with- Mom? Mom! MOM!! SOMEONE HELP! DOCTORS!!!"

The heart monitor went flat as doctors came rushing into the room. Renjun got pulled out of the room by his dad while screaming and sobbing.

That was the last day he saw his mom and the last day he felt the last bit of comfort with his remaining parent.

"I really wish you were here with me, Yangyang." -16 years old


July 11th 2017

"Renjun! Pack your things now, we're moving to Korea in 2 days."

"What?!?!! But all of my friends are here!!"

"You dare raise your voice at me?!"

Renjun soon regretted having talked back to his father as he felt his stomach being kicked. The fragile boy fell to the ground while his father continued to kick him until he was satisfied. His eyes watering while trying to minimize the noise coming out of his mouth because he knows it will only make things worse.

"Get packed by tomorrow afternoon if you don't want to be left here starving to death." his father said, walking away after that.

Renjun crawled to the bathroom inside his room, immediately locating the first aid kit. He took off his shirt and started to tend the wounds, wincing in pain every time he came in contact with it. Staring at the fresh and healed wounds, he reminded himself that he can get away from this hellhole in just one year.

"If only you could protect me from him, Yangyang." -17 years old

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