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"So are you gonna tell me where these wounds came from now?"

"D-Do I have to?"

"You don't have to if you don't feel comfortable, but just know I'm always here for you."

"N-No. I want to t-tell you. I just don't want you to judge me. I mean I just got my best friend back after 5 years. Might as well tell you what you missed during these past years."

Renjun looked down at his scared arms, keeping quiet for a few minutes to decide what to say and how to say it.

"Well let's start in 2016. My mom got sick. My dad started to get busier with work to pay for my mom's hospital bills. He became distant and cold. In September my mom d-died. My dad got more obsessed with work and always came home drunk after that..." Renjun paused and took a deep breath to calm himself down with Yangyang slowly stroking his back to help.

"Then when I came out as g-gay to him at 17, he s-started...h-hurting me." Renjun said quietly, barely audible but Yangyang heard it. The taller started to feel anger rise up in him.

"A-At first it was just a s-slap or two, but then he started t-to beat me. A-And yesterday he threw a beer b-bottle at me, that's w-where I got these w-wounds." Renjun was in tears again for the third time today once he finished the story. Yangyang pulled him in a comforting hug while being careful not to hurt the fragile boy in front of him.

"Renjun" Yangyang said sternly.

"Hmm?" Renjun hummed back curious of what cause his best friend to be so stern.

"You're staying with me from now on."

"WHAT?! No! I can't possibly stay here." Renjun pulled away from the hug and looked at Yangyang, shocked.

"Well, I'm not letting you go back to him ever again. So, I'm not taking no for an answer. You can wear my clothes and we'll go get your stuff tomorrow after school."

"B-But I don't wanna be a b-burden to you."

"You never were and never will be a burden to me Junie." Yangyang pulled Renjun to lay down on the couch.


"No buts Renjun! I'm not letting you get hurt again. I just got my best friend back, I'm not gonna lose you again!!" Yangyang demanded. His voice made Renjun shiver and can't help but agree with him.

"OK! Fine Yang, you win. Man, you are still as stubborn as ever." the two laughed.

"Let's order pizza and watch a movie!" Yangyang cheered and grabbed the remote. The both of them sat up on the couch to decide on a movie.

"Let's watch Avatar!!"

"It's been 5 years and you still watch that movie??"

"What? It's my favorite!" Renjun whined and pouted cutely while giving Yangyang puppy eyes. Cute...ok! I'm not even gonna deny I said that one.

"Well, how am I supposed to say no to that!"

"Yayyy!!!" Renjun giggled cutely.


It was 10pm. The pair finished the movie and eating. Yangyang went to shower while Renjun cleaned up.

The bathroom door creaked opened, revealing a half naked Yangyang with slightly wet hair. A tint of pink immediately rushed to the small boy's cheeks and ears. Renjun turned away, flustered by the hot looking Yangyang. He chuckled at Renjun who was pretending not to see anything and went to get dressed.

Renjun let out a sigh and flopped down on the couch after Yangyang left the room. He touched his warm face.

Why am I blushing? I've seen him shirtless before. I mean he didn't have hot looking abs-HUANG RENJUN!! GET YOURSELF TOGETHER!!!

He slapped himself a little harder than he intended just in time as when Yangyang walked in.

"Don't do that! You'll get hurt!" Yangyang scolded as he held Renjun's small hands and caressed his cheeks where it was slightly red.

Renjun leaned into the touch as they stared into each other's eyes, heart beating equally as fast. They got lost in the moment making Renjun forget about the pizza box in his hand and accidentally drop it, snapping them back to reality.

"W-Well! We should get r-ready for bed!" Yangyang said to try to get rid of the awkward silence.

"Y-Yea! Where should I s-sleep?"

"You can sleep on the bed. I'll sleep on the sofa. We'll get a new bed next week."

"No..I'll sleep on the sofa in the bedroom, you should sleep in the bed."

"You've been through a lot Junie. You should get a good night sleep."


They made their way into the bedroom. Renjun got settled under the blankets while Yangyang got a pillow and blanket for the couch. The taller reached his hand over to turn off the lights. Yangyang was about to fall asleep when Renjun spoke up.

"Thank you for this, by the way....I can never repay you enough."

"You don't need to, Junie," Yangyang chuckled.

"You're letting me live in your apartment, I need to repay you Yang!"

"Then repay me by staying with me forever." Yangyang replied making Renjun thank the gods that the lights were off because he really didn't want Yangyang to see him blush right now.

"Good night"
"Good night"

broken promise | yangren/renyangWhere stories live. Discover now