003. The Unexpexted Visit

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" Retirement is not for you Clint

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" Retirement is not for you Clint." - Harper Stark


Harper had finally finished school, she was on her way to meet Peter and Ned out front of the school but her phone buzzed making her check her phone, it was a text from her dad telling her not to go home just yet.

She was confused but she brushed it off. When she met Peter and Ned, she told them what her dad texted her. "Oh well, you can always come over to mine" Peter started walking down the stairs the two kids following behind. "That's fine with me. Ned?"

"Sorry, I can't today. Maybe tomorrow?" Peter nodded and did his little handshake with Ned, then Ned walked the other way towards his house. Harper and Peter kept walking. "Soo... what do you like to do."

Peter was trying to make conversation so the five to ten minute walk wasn't awkward. "I like to steal the souls of the people that cross me."

Peter looked at Harper worried and scared, Harper laughed and bumped his arm. "I'm just joking with you. I like to draw. You?" Peter tried not to say "Save the neighborhood from trouble." So this is what came out "I like to find some old technology in dumpsters."

Harper smiled "That's nice." Harper then started skipping down the sidewalk to speed up the walk "Come on slowpoke!" Peter started running down the sidewalk to catch up. "I'm not slow, your too fast!"

For that five to ten minutes, they were running and skipping down the sidewalk, asking each other questions. They stopped once they made it too Peters apartment building.

There was a car that was blocking the mailbox causing Peter not being able to check the mail. "Whatever, lets go." Peter opened the door for Harper, letting Harper walk in.

The boy lead Harper to the elevator, and pressed the button letting the both of them get in. Peter pressed the elevator button, leading them to his floor.

The elevator then opened. "Come on, just this apartment down here." Harper followed Peter towards his door. He unlocked the door and walked in, putting his backpack on the table. "You can put your backpack there." Harper took her bookbag off and followed Peter to the kitchen where aunt May was.

"Hey Aunt May!, this is Harper and sh-" Peter stopped talking when he saw the Tony Stark sitting in his living room. "Dad?!" Harper spoke up.

"Oh no way, that's your daughter?" May pointed to the dark red head. Tony nodded. "The one and only."
"Wow, hi!" May waved and smiled at the girl. Harper waved back.

"Do you mind if I have five minutes with them?" May nodded "Go ahead." Tony, Peter, and Harper all went to Peters room. "Dad! What are you doing here?"

"For this." Tony grabbed a long stick and opened the little door Peter had on his roof, some red and blue hoodie come out from it. Peter ran and grabbed it, hiding it in his laundry basket. "No way, your Spider-Man!" Harper pointed at Peter.

"N-No, I'm not." Tony leaned against the wall. "We see the outfit and this video of Spider-Man wearing the same outfit you have." Tony showed a video of Peter catching a car midair.

"Its impressive. How do you do it? And this webbing." Tony threw the little bottle of webs towards him, he caught it quickly.

Harper was in awe. "How would you feel coming to Berlin with us. To help with a mission." Peter sat on his bed next to Harper "I can't go to Berlin. I have homework." Harper sighed "I am legit gonna pretend I didn't just hear that."

"Harper, school's important." Peter wanted to go but didn't want May to freak out. Harper sat next to Peter and looked at him. "Come on Peter, it's Berlin! You can't say no to Berlin." Peter looked back at her then at Tony. He thought long and hard about it. It was gonna be his first mission. But then again he dosen't want May to freak out. "Fine. But if anything happens to me and May sues you, it's on you guys." Peter rolled his eyes.

"Great! Harper tell May, we will be taking Peter on a field trip for some sort of internship or something." "On it." Harper went out and told May that Tony was gonna take Peter for a tour of the campus for the Stark Internship, May didn't mind. She just said to get him home safely.

Tony and Harper then left May's nice apartment so Harper and Tony can go home and pack to stay in Berlin for a few days, mostly for Tony to make Peter a new suit. "So how was the first day of school cupcake?" "Good. I thought you were coming next week."

Tony looked back at the girl "Well change of plans, you know." Harper nodded and looked out the window. Tony looked back at the road.

Harper was excited she wasn't the only young one going to help with a 'mission'. But she was scared to show her powers in front of Peter for the first time.

She didn't want him to see her as a monster, cause when shes angry.. its bad. She tried her best not to think about it, but it just kept coming back as the first thing she thought of.

What if Peter told everyone about her powers, What if Peter dosen't like her and gets scared of her. She just met Peter and became friends with him. She didn't want nothing to ruin that.

"Hey, why are we going to Berlin again?" Harper was super excited to go to Germany she totally forgot. "Well, we have a mission and gotta bring someone to Ross." Tony looked in the mirror to see the girl still looking out the window, Harper nodded.

"Do you think Peter will be scared of my powers... or me?" Tony shook his head, "He will most definitely be shocked but never scared, especially of you. He seems like a sweet kid. If he dosen't like that then I'll kill him."

Harper laughed. "Don't kill anyone dad, we may have money but I'm not bailing you out." "Even for your old man?." Tony put his hand over his blue heart as a joke.

"Even for you Grandpa." Harper and Tony shared a laugh in the car. The rest of the way they put on some music and did some carpool.


SERENITYS NOTES, as much as I hate this chapter. Harper and Peter are cute. Also I wasn't gonna make it EXACTLY how that scene went because copyright 🤟. and also I just wanted to make it my own and short. Cause the actual scene was like 25 minutes long. anyway vote and/or comment your thoughts on this chapter and maybe some theories about what might happen.

𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐒 𝐀𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 , p.p Where stories live. Discover now