002, Saving the Wizard

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"The one person I needed is gone

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"The one person I needed is gone." - Harper


Both Teenagers walked inside the ship, trying to find Tony and also admiring the things around them. Peter looked up and looked at Harper. "Alright, I'm gonna swing to the roof and you follow me." Peter said, already swinging up. Harper nodded and quickly followed behind, the two of them slowly moved around the top trying not to get caught.

"Look, over there." Harper whispered, pointing to her dad and the red cloak that was there. Peter nodded and they both made their way by them, the brunette webbed the roof, turning upside, slowly going down. Harper started landing slowly.

"Speaking of loyalty." Harper said, both Peter and her landing on the ground, Tony turning to look at them. "What the-"

"I know what your gonna say." Peter put his arms out as reassurance. "You should not be here." Tony said, pointing to the two of them. "We were gonna go home." "I don't want to hear it." "But it was such a long way down and I just thought about you-"

"And now I gotta hear it." Harper was standing in the back, moving her eyes back and forth as they both spoke. "I got stuck to the side of the ship and this suit is ridiculously intuitive by the way so if anything its kind of your fault that we're here." Harper quickly covered Peters mouth trying to signal him to stop talking.

Tony quickly looked at them. "He didn't mean it." Harper said. "But I mean now where here." The girl looked around. "Yeah, right where I didn't want you to be." Tony started walking towards the two of them. "This isn't Coney Island, this isn't a field trip, this is a one-way ticket, you hear me. Don't pretend you thought this through." Tony whispered. "I did think this through-"

The two started going back and forth until Harper then chimed in "He can't be a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man if theres no neighborhood." The two looked at Harper confused, she just slowly backed up a little. "Okay, I'm gonna stop talking now."

Tony looked back at Peter and thought for a moment, he then sighed. "Come on, we have a situation." The three of them, including the cloak walked towards the end of the platform, Tony pointed to the Wizard and some Alien guy.

"He's in trouble whats your plan?" Tony asked, Peter got down trying to observe, Harper crossed her arms also looking down. "Um- Okay, Okay. You ever see this old movie Aliens." Peter stood up and looked at Tony.

Harper raised her hand. "I have, you forced me to watch it." She mumbled, Peter turned around "Cause you forced me to watch Legally Blonde for the 5th time." "Look Legally Blonde is really good, besides Elle Woods is the IT girl." Tony just rolled his eyes at the two bickering about movies.

𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐒 𝐀𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 , p.p Where stories live. Discover now