007, Sister From Another Universe

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Winter and Peter sat on the side of Winters bed, watching one of their favorite movies

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Winter and Peter sat on the side of Winters bed, watching one of their favorite movies. Peters head was on her chest, Winter playing with his hair. "Do you want some popcorn?" Peter asked, looking up at the girl.

"Sure! I'll make it." Winter sat up, Peters head falling on one of the pillows. The girl got up walking towards the kitchen. It was quiet. No one was home yet, it was just her and Peter.

Winter opened up one of the cabinets, grabbing the microwavable popcorn packets. She opened it, placing it in the microwave for a minute and forty-five seconds.

As she waited, she looked around the house. The house her dad brought while she was.. away persay. She sighed, looking down at the counter when she saw a drip of blood.

"What the—" Winter touched her nose, it was bleeding, a lot more then it usually does. "Shoot." She grabbed a napkin, placing it on her nose and putting her head up.

The more napkins she filled, the more napkins she would have to use. After a couple minutes it stopped. She thought it was weird but, it's a normal nose bleed. So she didn't worry.

She grabbed the popcorn out the microwave, pouring it in a bowl. She smiled, throwing the popcorn back out and walking up the stairs to her room. As she got to the last step she got a massive headache and felt really dizzy.

Winter grabbed her head, making her way into her room. "You okay?" Peter asked, grabbing the popcorn from her hands and placing it on her dresser. "Yeah— yeah, just a— a bad headache."

Peter looked at her confused. "Are you sure? You look like you're gonna be sick."

"I'm sure— it's hot, are you hot?" Winter spoke, looking around. Peter shook his head. "I'm not hot, Winter. Something's wrong."

Winter shook her head."No, no I'm good. I just need to sit down." Winter started walking towards her bed when a blast of purple shot of her hand, hitting the dresser, a lamp and almost Peter but he ducked down before it could.

"What was that?!" Peter exclaimed, looking for any damages. "Why was it purple?!" Winter looked at her hands. "I don't, I don't know. This hasn't happened before."

Winter tried doing another blast, purple coming out of her hands. Peter was still shocked. Winter never had purple powers before, or at least never blasted purple.

Peter sat next to her. "That's actually— cool. Do you think it means something?" Winter shrugged. "Probably not, probably just another ability I never knew I had but if it does, that'll be cool."

"How would you know what it means?" Peter asked, looking at her. Winter just sighed. "Dr. Strange."


As Winter and Peter walked into the Sanctorum, Strange was already waiting for them. He had a feeling they were gonna come by and maybe ask him for help on a mission.

"Where you waiting for us?" Peter asked, pointing to the guy, standing by the steps. Strange just nodded. "Nice to see you two again. More aliens to fight?"

Winter sarcastically laughed. "Haha very funny. No, there's not I'm here cause I infact do have a problem." Strange looked at her confused. "You're dating a spider and now you wanna tell me you have a problem."

Peter was gonna say something but Winter stopped him. "No. This." Winter put her hand up, purple blasting out. "My powers aren't purple. And I felt very dizzy and my nose was bleeding like crazy."

"And why did you come to me?" Strange started walking towards the library, the two kids following behind. "Because you're Dr.Strange you know... everything." Strange nodded in agreement, taking a book out. A giant one at that.

"I just wanna know what it means. Am I sick? Injured? I just wanna know." Winter said, sitting down. "None of those. Surprisingly." Strange flipped through the book, finding the page he wanted.

"There we go, purple powers." Strange started reading, scanning the page. "Two colors combined, making this color. One in this universe and one in the other, they're not the same but they do share the last name."

Winter looked at him confused. "So.. what does that mean?!" Strange sighed. "You have a sister." Winter stood up. "What?! No, No. My mom did not have another kid!"

"You have a sister.. just not in this universe."

"There's multiple universes?!" Winter froze. This was all shocking news. A sister, different universes. This was new.

"Yup." Strange closed the book. "Let me guess you're gonna bombard me with questions."

Winter didn't even answer just started moving onto the questions "Will I meet her?! What happens if I do? Is she okay?" Strange sighed. "Maybe you will meet her, maybe you won't. Nothing will happen if you do, and if your powers are going haywire like that, she probably is not okay. But only other me would really know."

"Other you?!" Winter questioned. "Yeah. There's different versions of us. But I can tell you a name if that's helpful. We may be in different universes but me and other Stranges have records of everyone." Winter frantically nodded.

Strange grabbed another book flipping through, and finding the last name Stark. "Notice how all of them are Winter Stark, just different middle name and different looks? Well one of them is completely different, different name, everything."

As Strange scanned she found exactly who he was looking for. "There we are. Harper Elizabeth Stark, she's your age. And dating a Peter Parker too." Winter smiled. She was thinking about what Harper looked like.

Maybe she looked sort of like Winter, or like Pepper. She wondered if she has a younger sister named Morgan. She wondered how she got her powers. She wondered if this was happening to her too. Her mind was scrambled.

"Harper Stark." She mumbled. "Harper. Stark."

well hello!! winter is an oc in
LadyEphoenix (aka delaneys fic) she gave
me permission to write this chapter so 🤭

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