008, Just Dance and Letters

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"Wait. The multiverse is real?" - Harper Stark


Harper, Happy, and Peter all woke up extra early that morning. They wanted to catch the early jet home instead of the afternoon. Harper didn't want to go home, she didn't want to deal with any drama.

She still dosen't know about her grandparents and The Accords. All three of them got onto the plane, Harper was blogging. Along with Peter.

"Goodbye Berlin. See you soon." Harper waved at the window. She then stopped while Peter kept blogging. Harper turned to looked at him. "Did I really fall asleep last night?"

Peter nodded and stopped blogging. "Yeah, I guess your not a big Star Wars fan." Harper laughed a small laugh. "I guess." Happy looked between the two.

Harper noticed cause she lifted her eyebrow and moved her body to face him "What?" Happy shook his head "Nothing."

The flight attendant walked up to the three and told them they had set up the tv and some games. "Wanna play Just Dance?" Harper asked Peter, he said no at first but Harper practically begged him too.

"Fine." Peter stood up and Harper clapped her hands giving him a remote "Just so you know I might win, I'm pretty good at this." Peter put his wrist through the remote holder.

Harper choose the song 'Shake It Up.' by Taylor Swift. "Get ready, Parker." Harper looked at her competition. Peter looked back at her.

The game started and the two started following along dancing, to Harpers surprise Peter was actually doing well. Peter was also singing along to the song. "I didn't know you were a swiftie?" Harper was trying to mess him up but Peter was extremely concentrated.

"I know what your trying to do Stark, and its not gonna work." Harper scoffed, rolling her eyes and kept dancing. Happy was in the back recording them. So far Peter was winning.

Harper was pushing him out the way so she could win. "I told you, I'm really good at this." The song finished and Peter won. "You cheated." Peter smiled "Thats exactly what May says when I win."

Harper took off her remote and passed it to Happy. "Your turn." Happy stood up and walked to the tv. Peter was picking the song this time.

Harper sat back in her seat and watched the two battle it out. When Harper found out about her powers she wasn't this happy, she was miserable and she hated her powers.

She didn't want to do anything at all.

Harper sat in her bedroom, looking out the window at all the people outside. Natasha walked in her room, She tapped the girls shoulder which scared Harper so a blast of magic came out her hand, breaking another vase.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean, I didn't mean to-" Natasha hugged Harper, she didn't let her finish her sentence what so ever. Nat knew she needed that hug.

The hug caused Harper to calm down. Nat started rubbing Harpers hair. "You know you can tell me anything, I won't tell anyone." Natasha sat down on Harpers bed.

Harper sat down next to her and put her head down on Natashas lap and Nat started playing with her hair again. "I just don't know what to do, with these powers. I hate them and I just wanna get rid of them. I'm gonna get someone hurt. or even worse the people I care about hurt."

"You could never hurt me and you could never hurt anyone else." Harper sighed "It sure dosen't seem like it, I broke two vases in the past week and these voices are so loud with many peoples thoughts and I can't do it, I can't control it."

Harper sat up and looked away feeling ashamed. "Look at me." Harper looked at Natasha, Nat then cupped the girls face. "You got this, okay. You can do it. You can control it. Even if it takes forever, I have faith in you, everyone here has faith in you. You should hear Thor talking about you." Harper chuckled, tears rolling down her cheek.

"You got this Care-Bear and I'll be here to help you, shoot everyones here to help you. Even if you don't want help. We will still wait for you to be ready." Nat rubbed the tears off Harpers face and kissed her forehead.

"I'm making cake. You want some?" Harper nodded, while Nat stood up and left. Harper needed that conversation, short or not. Natasha always understood her.

That made Harper wonder if Natashas sister was the same way and if Harper could open up to her like she can with Natasha.

"Harper? Hello?" Harper broke out her little trance. Harper blinked a few times and then looked at the two looking at her "Who won?" Happy pointed at Peter and sat down. So did Peter.

"What were you thinking about?" Harper shrugged "Just something that happened long ago."

A few hours later they made it home. Happy and Harper dropped Peter off and then they went to the compound. Harper walked inside to see James and her dad. She noticed James was hurt "Oh my god. What happened?" Harper ran up to the two.

"He's okay, just a mistake during battle." Harper crossed her arms, Tony wasn't gonna tell her that Vision accidentally shot him. She would go ballistic. Tony gave Harper a hug, Harper did hug back. "How was Berlin?" Harper smiled "Fun. Extremely." Harper started talking about her trip then the mailman had came through with a package. "Package for Tony Stank." Harper and James looked at each other then laughed. "I'm so glad I was here just for that moment." Tony told the mailman to just leave the Package on the floor and he would grab it so the mailman left it on the floor and then left himself.

James and Harper were still laughing at the name. "It's not funny." Harper patted her dad on the back. "It sure isn't.. Tony Stank." Harper walked away to go to her room, James still laughing at her joke.

When Harper walked in her room she saw a note on her bed and a teddy bear. She put her bag down and read the note.

"Hey Care-Bear, It's Nat. I'm not gonna be there for a while. I just wanted to let you know I love you and I'll see you soon. Also I wanted to apologize for not telling you what happened, Your right. Your old enough to know now, its just scary to see my Care-Bear grow up. But I promise from now on I'll tell you everything. Starting with, I am a wanted women. Thats why I'm leaving. I pinky promise I'll come back. You can still send letters. My new address is in the back of the letter. I also left you a teddy, you might not remember but I accidentally broke your favorite bear when you were younger so.. I got you a new one. Anyway, I have to go now. I love you."

Harper put down the letter and picked up the bear, she smiled at the sight of it. "I love you too Auntie Nat." 


SERENITYS NOTES, two more chapters guys! also i know this is practically the end of civil war but the next two chapters are just gonna be of Harper writing letters and her school life after civil war. then its gonna be act two!

𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐒 𝐀𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 , p.p Where stories live. Discover now