010, Blip 2

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"Are you gonna get off your ass or what?" - Harper

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"Are you gonna get off your ass or what?" - Harper


The blip happened around the entire world, 50% of the universe gone. Most of them having a family, most on dates, and most of them in school taking a math test. For the people that didn't blip, it wasn't gonna be the same with almost everyone gone.

From Tony's pov, everyone turned into dust and flew away with the wind. To Harper, she was in the same place before she blipped, the broken ship, everyone there expect her father and Gamoras sister, Nebula.

Harper was in the ship, waiting for everyone to wake up. She soon heard groans coning from the side of her, she looked over to see Strange waking up. "What happened?" he asked, rubbing his eyes.

Harper shrugged her shoulders, the girl thought for a minute before quietly saying "We lost."

Soon everyone around her started waking up. Quill, Mantis, Peter, and Drax. It felt weird to Harper, not having the sudden sarcasm, or jokes once in a blue moon. But she knew her father would save everyone.

Meanwhile back in actual time, Nebula and Tony were on a ship. They had found one, a working one in Titan. They just saw the people they love, fade away in front of them.

It wasn't gonna be easy for everyone that lost their family and friends, Tony was having major guilt. He brought Harper and Peter into this mess, now he can't get them out without the help of someone who he hasn't talked to in a few years.


"So what your saying is, we turned into pieces of dust and flew into the wind?" Peter bit his fingernail, leaving them very low.

Harper nodded, with her arms crossed. "Yes, Peter. I said that the last 5 times you asked."


Harper just rolled her eyes, she explained to Peter what she saw as he suddenly couldn't remember. Of course Harper knew he was lying but it was way more fun playing around with him.

"Okay, is everyone okay?" Strange walked into the ship, he decided to go out and look around for Tony and Nebula which Harper thought was stupid cause it was obvious they weren't there.

"Were they there?" Harper asked, looking at Strange, he shook his head. "I told you."

The brunette walked past Strange saying a quick "I'm getting some fresh air." His way, Strange grabbed her arm turning her around to face him.

"Be careful, please."

"Theres no one here except us, I'll be fine."

The girl pulled her arm out of Strange's grip and walked off. Everyone looked at each other confused on why she was mad or upset, they couldn't tell.

"Whats wrong with her?" Quill said, putting his hand on his hip, turning towards Peter who quickly shrugged. "Don't know. Maybe its her time of the month?"

Quills face turned into confusion. "What the hell does that mean?" Peter sighed. "It's usually when like girls bleed-"

"Okay, Okay. Uh you. With the alien ears- why don't you talk with her." Strange interrupted, face in disgust.

Mantis pointed to herself. "Me?" Strange nodded, "Yes you, who else has alien ears here." Quill put his hand out to create distance between Mantis and Strange.

"Don't talk to Mantis like that." Strange rolled his eyes. "Whatever- if you won't go."

"I'll go." Mantis dryly said. She soon walked away from the group, going outside to see Harper sitting on the floor. Mantis walked up to her and sat down next to her.

"Hi." The girl said quietly.

"Hi? Are you here to cheer me up or something?" Harper replied, throwing the small rock she had in her hand. "Do you want me to?" Mantis asked, finding another small rock to give to Harper.

Harper shook her head. "No. Not really, I think its best if we just stay throwing rocks at absolutely nothing." She slightly laughed, causing Mantis to smile.

"Can I.. hug you?" Mantis said, throwing the rock she had very lightly. "If you want." Harper replied. Before Harper could throw another rock Mantis had placed her arms around the girl, trapping her arms to her side.

The girl soon let go, letting Harpers arms loose. Mantis was a nice girl, maybe even to nice for her own good but Harper knew just from that small conversation they had, they would be good friends.

"Seems like you two get along well."

Harper looked up to see Quill standing over her and Mantis, she just nodded in response. Quill reached out his hand, which Harper grabbed to stand up.

She wiped off all the rock dust she had on her suit and stood up straight. "Just wanted to say thank you again for the whole Gamora thing." Harper smiled.

"Of course. Anytime, speaking of. Why don't you tell me more about Gamora, she seems absolutely amazing." 


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SERENITY SPEAKS ! don't mind this chapter being so short 😭, i just wanted to get to the endgame act

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