006, Pinky Promises

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"Thor, We all know I won prank wars

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"Thor, We all know I won prank wars." - Harper


Harper woke up, Peter pacing back and forth, Strange trying to calm him down and Tony holding Harpers hand. "Your up." Tony said, seeing the girls eyes open. Harper nodded and sat up. "Are you okay? Did something happened? Did you see anything?" Strange questioned as Peter stopped pacing.

"Yeah, I'm okay." Harper was hesitating on telling them about Agatha but she knew if she did, something terrible could probably happen. "No. No I didn't see anything, just doors, I didn't go through them." Peter titled her head, more confused then ever because she did see someone, and saw something.

Harper stood up from the floor. "Yup! I'm fine, no more ringing. So can we worry about the stone problem now? How many solutions did you see." Harper looked at Strange. "Oh- Uh. Around 14 Million." "That is- that is a lot. Well I'm gonna leave the ship now, go outside and hopefully get fresh air." Harper smiled and walked towards the entrance of the ship, Peter following behind her.

"What are you doing?" He asked, walking with her. "What do you mean?" Harp replied, "You did see someone in there, she had magic, she was making those veins appear on your body." Harper grabbed Peters hand and pushed him aside. "Yes, I know that. You cannot, and I mean cannot tell anyone. Alright we got bigger problems to deal with." Harper held out her pinky.

"Pinky promise you won't tell anyone." Harper restated, Peter sighed connecting their pinky's together. "Fine." Harper smiled at his response, Peter obviously didn't like keeping secrets but Harper insisted on it. The two then walked hand and hand to one of the broken off pieces of the ship.

"Who would have thought we would be in space." Harper said walking into the broken ship. Peter just mumbled a 'yea'. Harper looked at him. "What's wrong?" Peter shook his head. "Nothing." Harper then stopped walking and turned to face him. "Peter, I know you. Whats wrong."

"I just don't think we should keep what we saw a secret, something dangerous could happen to us and especially to you which I don't want. If Strange could help you, then please let him help you."

"Peter. I can't. If I do tell someone, something could happen. Something way worse then if I don't tell someone, besides I got rid of her. See no ringing, no veins, no black fingertips." "Got rid of who?" Quill walked up to the two. "Didn't mean to intrude, I just overheard you guys."

Harper looked at Peter, then looked a Quill. "Nothing- No one." Harper said. "I may have only know you for a few hours but you are a horrible liar." Quill said, crossing his arms. Harper sighed. "Fine. There was this girl, her name was Agatha. I think. She was trying to get my powers." Quill looked confused.

𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐒 𝐀𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 , p.p Where stories live. Discover now