004, Memories and Future

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"Peter, I'm not watching Star Wars

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"Peter, I'm not watching Star Wars. Again." - Harper


As Harper walked through the door, the white light went away to reveal the Avengers tower, back during 2012 when Loki had arrived and destroyed most of the city. Harper was 11, hiding behind one of the walls, as Loki was being thrown around by the Hulk.

Harper was having a panic attack, she couldn't breathe, and her palms were sweating. Once she didn't hear much smashing anymore and stomping she turned the corner to find Loki laying on the floor.

Harper slowly got up and walked over to him. "Hello?" Harper whispered quietly, she soon reached Loki and looked down at him. "Are you okay?" Loki nodded, with a grin and weirded look on his face. Harper held out her hand, which Loki grabbed. The young girl helped him sit up.

Harper then got down on her knees and held out her hand, again for Loki to shake. "I'm Harper." Loki hesitated to shake her hand but he connected his with hers. "..Loki." Loki looked the girl up and down. "What are you doing? Aren't you supposed to be fighting?" Harper smiled. "No. I haven't fully learned how to use my powers yet and also my dad won't let me."

"Well who's your dad?" Harper bit the inside of her mouth, she didn't know if she should be telling Loki any of this. "The man who owns this place." Loki looked shocked. "Your a Stark?!" Harper nodded, "You're a lot nicer then your father."

The young girl slightly laughed, "Yeah, I get that a lot. I heard your.. Thors brother- well adopted brother. I like you a lot more then Thor if I'm being honest." Loki looked down, trying to hide his smile. "Thanks, I don't get that a lot."

"So what can you do?" Harper asked, looking Loki up and down. Loki then looked back up and changed his self to look exactly like Harper. "So you shape-shift?" Loki nodded and changed back to his self. Harper and Loki started talking for a while, Seventeen year old Harper was confused on why she was shown this.

"Why was I shown this? I'm supposed to be finding solutions to our stone problem." Harper turned back around and opened the door, walking through it to go to the white room again, once she left the door behind her closed shut. Harper looked back and saw the door gone.

"Okay?" Harper questioned and saw another door pop up, when she went to go reach for it, it opened itself. Harper sort of hesitated, she wasn't liking this so far but it was worth it to help the world.

"Alright, here we go." Harper walked into the room, when she walked in she was suddenly back in New York where the new Avengers Compound was located. The compound was destroyed and everyone you could think of was fighting on the rocks of the building. 

"What the hell." Harper started walking forward, observing what was going on. She looked around, she saw a purple alien and he was huge. "That must be Thanos." Harper pointed at him.

Suddenly a gust of wind came, blowing Harper out the room and shutting the door. "Hey!!" Harper started banging on the door, but stopped when a loud ringing came through her ears. She groaned as it was hurting her. "Come on Harp, push through." She said, covering her head trying to make the ringing go away.

What she didn't know was that in real time, their was black veins on her body, Strange had already woken up. Now they were trying to wake Harper up. But Harper couldn't hear the people she cared for calling her name.

Back in the white room, Harper was on her knees on the floor, still groaning and covering her head. But since, she started hearing a voice. The same voice she heard on the bus. "Harper.." Harper looked around. "Not this again." She said, covering her ears. "Stop! Stop, please. Please, just. STOP!"

Harper finally woke up, the black veins going away from her body. "What happened?" Harper asked rubbing her head. Mantis had hugged Harper right away. The girl was surprised, so she just patted Mantis arm.

"Holy crap, your okay." Tony said, watching Harper stand up from the rock and stumble a bit. While Harper caught her balance she looked at everyone confused. "What?" Strange shook his head at Tony as to not tell her, Tony then shook his head at Harper and walked over to Strange.

Harper stepped down from the rock and walked towards Peter and Quill. "Are you okay, dude?" Harper nodded. "What are you guys talking about?" She said, trying to change the subject. "Footloose." Peter replied.

"I remember that movie! It was kind of popular back back when." Quill nodded, agreeing with Harper. "I told you." He said, smiling as he was proud of himself. Peter sighed, "Fine. it was 'popular'" Peter did quotes around the popular part. "Hey, can I talk to you?" Harper looked at Peter, he just nodded.

Quill then walked away to go find quote on quote ancient rocks. "Can you tell me why everyone was so concerned when I woke up?" Peter looked back at Strange and Tony who weren't paying attention. "I'm not supposed to tell you." Harper crossed her arms. "Peter Parker. Why?" Peter just shrugged. "Ask Strange." Peter then turned to walk away but Harper grabbed his arm. "No. I want you to tell me." 

Peter sighed. "Fine. You started getting these black veins all over your body, it was scary. Your fingertips were also turning black." Harper looked down at her hands to see that her finger tips weren't black anymore and she had no veins on her body.

"So me doing that spell, was hurting me?" Peter shrugged again. "We don't know- Well I don't know." Harper looked at Strange, who was whispering something to Tony. "Thanks." Harp said, kissing Peters cheek then walking away. Peter grabbed her hand like she did to him. "Whatever is it, please be careful. You aren't gonna be the first person I lose." Harper smiled and nodded, she then walked up to Strange and Tony who were talking, she interrupted them and questioned them a lot.

"What did I do? Why was my fingertips turning black? Am I dying? Is this even real? Am I dead?" Harper just kept going and going with the questions. "Harp! Your not dead. This is real." Strange said, touching her shoulder as comfort.

Harper sighed in relief. "Good." "But.. we need you to tell us what happened in there." Tony chimed in. "When your ready." Strange also added. The girl nodded her head. "Well, It was a white room. Then a door came, I walked in and it was back in 2012 when I was talking to Loki. I walked out cause it wasn't relevant. Then another door came, I walked in. There was a battle going on. But I don't really know what happened cause I got pushed back by a gust of wind and then this ringing started happening- like it is right now."

Harper covered her ears but it got louder, so she uncovered her ears. Strange gently grabbed Harpers arm and sat her down on the spot Strange was sitting in. Harper groaned, Mantis came over and put her hands on Harpers head. "Whoa, what is she doing?" Tony asked looking at Quill. "Helping her. Helping her rest." Drax called out.

Mantis closed her eyes to focus, soon Harpers eyes were fluttering shut, then closed. Causing Harper to pass out, and stopping the ringing.



𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐒 𝐀𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 , p.p Where stories live. Discover now