006, Rooftops

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Harper laid on her bed, looking at her phone. She had gotten no sleep at all. She couldn't. She didn't have Peter, she didn't have Morgan, Pepper. No one.

She pushed everyone away in hopes they would find their way back to her but they haven't, and they wouldn't. I mean she has been careless the last few days.

Harper sat up, looking in the mirror. She had bags under her eyes which were turning purple, her hair was extremely knotted, and her apartment was a mess.

Stage 4 of grief. Depression. Not like she was gonna make it to stage 5 anytime soon. Harper even took off her watch that connected her suit to her body and even more.

She gave up superheroing since they already have a Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. They didn't need her. It seemed like no one did. No one was with her.

As she turned on the small television in her apartment, the first and only channel was the news. "Thank you Spider-Man for saving us!"
Spider-Man, Spider-Man, Spider-Man.

Harper groaned, turning the tv off and laying down, facing the roof. Her thoughts overwhelming her. "You're not good enough."

"No one cares." "Die." "Go kill yourself."

It was an everyday occurrence. She never listened but, with everything going on she kind of wished she was dead. Take the easy way out. And she didn't go to therapy cause what were they supposed to do for her?

Tell her everythings gonna be okay? No. It's not. Harper sat up, looking for a piece of paper and a pen. She soon found one, sitting at the table. She started quickly writing. She had everything she ever wanted to say getting written right now. As a goodbye.


Harper sighed, putting the paper in an envelope. Labeling it "Whoever finds me." She sat up, looking around. This was the last time she was ever gonna see this place.

She opened her door, quickly closing it behind her. She made her way up to the roof, a tear forming. "I'm so sorry, I'm sorry." She said, biting the inside of her lip.

She stood towards the edge of the roof, looking down at the people. They were watching her, typing something on there phone. Maybe to the Spider-Man app? Ironic.

She quickly put her foot out, dangling it. She had left her phone and note on the edge so someone would hopefully find it. Harper closed her eyes, walking off the edge.

This was it. Her story was actually ending, like she wanted. She could be with her dad, with Natasha, Vision, Loki. She didn't have to be alone anymore.

It seemed like the fall was long, like she was dreaming and couldn't wake up, but she wasn't cause she hit the ground, eyes closed, no movement. A blue flash happening when she hit the floor.

The people around her murmured, some calling 911, some calling Spider-Man. Of course Spider-Man was there first. He made his way through the people running towards Harper.

He leant down next to her, feeling a pulse.. Nothing. He did CPR quickly, feeling a pulse again... nothing.

"Dang it." He whispered. "Come on Harper, Please. Not you too." He listened to her heart, nothing. You couldn't see but behind his mask, he was crying. A lot more then he normally has.

"Come on, Please don't leave. Harper! It's just you and me. Come on, I can make it better." No response. Peter or Spider-Man sat there, quickly hearing the ambulance pull up. He stood up. Sniffling, no one hearing due to the sirens.

The nurse and EMTs ran up to Harper, putting her on a carrier. And putting her in the back of the ambulance. Peter watched as they put her in the back of the ambulance. He webbed up to the roof of the apartment building, finding the note.

He grabbed it, opening it.

"Hey.. whoever is reading this. It's probably a stranger but if it's not thank you, for everything but I couldn't take it anymore. The overwhelming thoughts, feeling alone. I couldn't it was so draining. I didn't even have any phone calls. I felt alone. And I know thats no ones intention but it yeah. If you see this I might be dead already or I got lucky and didn't. But uhm anyway. Thanks Again."

Peter took his mask off, wiping his tears. He should've known. He should've been here for Harper. He shouldn't have let her go. But he did. He screwed up.

He ran downstairs to her apartment, opening the door. He gathered a few of her things. Clothes, toothbrush, shoes, anything. Cause sooner or later he was gonna get a hospital call.


A few hours later, Harper was in a hospital bed, Pepper playing with her hair. Harper slowly opened her eyes, her eyesight blurry. "Mom?" She weakly said, squinting. "Harper?! Oh my god! You're alive." Pepper hugged her, but Harper quickly winced, touching the back of her head.

"Sorry, Sorry. What is wrong with you?! Doing that! Your dad just died and you seriously was gonna leave your sister?!" Pepper tried not to yell due to being in a hospital.

"Please not now, where's Peter? Did they call him?" Harper looked around, Peter nowhere to be seen. "No they didn't. Not yet. I told them not to." Pepper said, sitting back in her seat.

"I want Peter. I don't want.. you. I want him or— or Bucky or someone other then you!" A doctor soon walked in, holding a glass of water. "I was hoping you were up! That was a long fall. Very lucky to be alive. I brought you some water." The doctor put it on a table, Harper nodding.

"You also have a guest for you. He's coming in soon, just using the bathroom." The doctor smiled, fixing Harpers blanket. "You have a concussion so try not to move your head as much and if you get dizzy or forget anything please get us right away." Harper nodded, looking down.

Her guest finally came into the room, a bag being held and flowers. It was Peter. "Peter." Harper sat up slowly, wincing. "Hey Harp." Peter sat on the bed next to her, grabbing her hand. Harper slowly smiled.

She loved the feeling of his hands. Soft. Nice. And the right size for her hands. "I'm sorry I couldn't be there." Peter whispered. Harper shook her head, closing her eyes. "It's not your fault."

Peter sighed. "But it is. I could've stopped you but I was mad for you breaking up with me and just at the world—"

"Stop." Harper cut him off. "Just lay here with me. Don't worry about what happened." Harper moved over a bit, hitting the side of the bed. Peter slightly smiled, laying down.

Harper played with his hair, closing her eyes. This is what she wanted, her Peter back but she knew he couldn't come back. This was the last time they would together.

next chapter might be a lil spicy and also sorry if this is fast paced

𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐒 𝐀𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 , p.p Where stories live. Discover now