009, The Blip

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"You know, if we were lizards

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"You know, if we were lizards..." - Harper


Harper closed her eyes for a moment something didn't feel right, as something was gonna happen that she didn't have any idea of. She was still thinking about Strange's sentence of her powers bring dangerous.

Which reminded her of a chat she overheard had a while ago, between Steve and Tony. It was around the time Pepper and Tony took a quick break to get  in order.

"Harper walked into a big room, full of computers and a meeting room in the middle of it, which she saw her father in. She walked up to it to see Steve and Tony bickering.

She put her ear against the window to hear what they were talking about. "-Have your Wanda reinstated." Tony said. "Wanda? What about Wanda?" Steve quickly replied. "She's fine, she's confined to the compound currently, Visions keeping her compony."

Steve looked away from Tony for a moment. "Oh god Tony, every-time I think you see things-" "180 acres with a lap pool and a screening room, theres worse ways to protect people." Tony chimed.

"Protection? Is this how you see this? This is protection? Its internment."  Steve replied. "She's not a US citizen and they don't grant visas to weapons of mass destruction." "She's a kid!"

"Give me a break!" Tony yelled, Steve scoffed. "What about Harper? Huh? If Wandas a weapon of mass destruction wouldn't that make Harper one too? Their the same Tony, If Harper gets to roam free and go to school. Wanda should get to do the same."

Tonys head shot up. "But they aren't the same Steve, Wanda killed someone." "Yeah, well soon Harpers gonna do the exact same thing." Steve put down the pen he had in his hand and walked out the room. He turned to see Harper standing there, processing what she heard.

"Harper?" He whispered softly, Harper slowly turned to look at him. "Harp, I didn't me-" Steve tried to reach for her shoulder but she slapped it away. "Screw you!" She said, turning and walking away.

Harper opened her eyes, "Is that what he meant by dangerous? Me becoming the sapphire witch, I could get someone killed?" She looked down at her hands and folded them together. Harper looked over at Strange, she took a deep breath and got up to walk over to him.

"Was I turning into the sapphire witch?" Harper said, walking up to Strange, and going to sit next to him. Strange just sighed. "I'm gonna take that as a yes." Harper looked down, Strange just grabbed her hand. "I can't believe I'm holding your hand right now, but hey. You are able to control it, I mean look at you right now. Perfectly calm and normal but when your fighting it gets sort of out of hand."

𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐒 𝐀𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 , p.p Where stories live. Discover now