001, Heros in the sky

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"Look, this pep talk is obviously not working so leave

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"Look, this pep talk is obviously not working so leave." - Harper


Harper walked out the school building holding Peter Parkers hand. It's been two years since Peter declined his new suit, Pepper and Tony announced they were getting married and since Harper last saw Wanda.

Harper also been having this dream for the past two years, the same one over and over again. It always starts with her fighting some type of aliens, getting blasted back, waking up and her dad dead. But she never knows what happens after cause she always wakes up.

She hasn't told anyone yet, but it was getting very obvious that Harper has not been getting sleep to the others. Harper has just been pushing it away, nothing has happened since the Vulture. Nothing should be happening now.

Peter waved his arm in front of Harpers face as he realized shes been thinking about something. "Hey, what's up?" He asked, still holding her hand. "Nothing. Just, do you ever have this feeling like something is gonna happen, something bad?"

"Are you thinking about that dream again?" Harper quickly shot her head at Peter, as she hasn't told anyone about her dream. "What dream?" "The one where your fighting aliens. You talk in your sleep you know." Peter looked back at Harper. "I do?" Peter nodded.

"Alright, class lets get on the bus." The art teacher had said. All the students walked in and sat down in their seats. Ned was sitting in front of Harper and Peter. "Look, do not tell anyone." Harper said referring to the conversation they had before.

"Why would I? You didn't tell me so it must be serious just don't, don't go alone trying to figure out what it is or whats going on." Peter said and kissed Harpers forehead. Harper smiled, while putting her head on his shoulder.

Ned turned around due to overhearing their conversation. "What are you guys talking about?" Harper looked at Ned. "Superhero things." Peter whispered. Ned just slowly nodded and turned back around.

The bus finally started driving as it was a 49 minute drive from the school to the museum. Harper quietly yawned and closed her eyes. "I'm just gonna take a 20 minute nap here, on your shoulder, cause its comfy. Alright?" Peter nodded, and placed his head on top of Harpers who quickly fell asleep.


Harper was standing in a white room, nothing in it just a white room. "What the hell." She whispered, looking around. "Hello!" She called out, no response. She slowly started walking forward to try and find a door, she soon went faster with her footsteps.

𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐒 𝐀𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 , p.p Where stories live. Discover now