005, Purple Eyes

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With Harper being kicked out and being newly single, she didn't know what to do with her life

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With Harper being kicked out and being newly single, she didn't know what to do with her life. She slept in an apartment she bought, it wasn't ideal but.. it worked.

Harper sighed looking at old photos of her and Peter. She didn't want to break up with Peter but at the moment she wasn't in the right mind. Harper traced the photo of her and Peter at the picnic.

she missed him. But she would never admit it. Besides he was always somehow everywhere she was, following her, like she was a child.

Someone quickly knocked on her door, causing Harper to yell "Come in!" And a black haired guy, with a metal arm walked in— also known as Bucky Barnes.

"Oh.. hi Bucky. Thought you were Peter.." Harper said, closing the album and putting it away in a box. "Peter? Me?" He looked quite offended, maybe too offended.

"Sorry. Hi Bucky." She replied, giving him a quick side hug and sitting on her bed. Bucky sat next to her, giving her something.

"What's this?"

"A note, from me. Well Sam but me." Bucky replied, quickly looking down "And Steve.. He said to give it to you if you ever needed it and since he's not here.. me and Sam figured—"

"You give it to me now." Harper finished his sentence, opening up the envelope. There was a cute little flower, that was now dead. Harper shook her head, closing her eyes and wrapping her hands around it.

"What are you—"

"Shh." Harper replied, as the tiny dead flower grew and was more then alive. Bucky looked shocked. "Have you done that before?!" He asked, looking at the now alive flower.

"I've had once, when I didn't properly watch dads flowers and they died. But all I had to do was think of the happiness. And things that make me happy. I can't do it to people though."

Bucky nodded, someday he hoped he had powers like that. Harper put the envelope down, the flower on top of it. "I'll read this later, okay? Wanna get a coffee?"

"I guess." The boy sighed, opening the door for Harper, who grabbed her wallet and walked out.


Bucky and Harper sat across each other, both sipping their coffee. Harper looked out the window, just looking at the people around her. "Hey, what's up." Was a question Bucky asked multiple times. She never answered.

She just stared at the wall behind him, hoping he would realize she didn't want to answer. Which he did eventually.

As Harper looked outside she saw someone swinging around the city. Her ex boyfriend— spiderman.

She was confused I mean, there hasn't really been any crime in the city since Tony and if there has Harper always fought them. Peter looked into the window of the coffee shop, making quick eye contact with Harper.

Harper quickly looked away, drinking her coffee. Hoping he would go away. Which he didn't. "Great.." She whispered, looking down.

"What?" Bucky looked out the window to see Peter. Who stopped staring at Harper and kept swinging around the moment he saw Bucky staring at him.

"Is he gone?" Harper asked, which Bucky just nodded in response. The girl sighed. They hadn't talked in weeks, and he just so randomly popped up and made extreme eye contact with her.

"I think I wanna head home." Harper said.


Both Bucky and Harper got off the chair, throwing the coffee out and leaving.

Walking back home was always a drag for Harper. It was so far from everything she liked and she had no car.. yet.

She walked into an Alleyway, the alleyway. Her and Peter would go there every night, and just talk on the roof. They talked about many things on that roof.

Many things. Harper just shook her head, walking out. Which turned into a quick fight when someone wrapped their arm around her neck.

"Give me your money." The guy said, pointing a gun to her head. Harper rolled her eyes. "Buddy this isn't my first encounters with robbers." The girl kicked his knee out, causing him to let go.

She turned around to look at the dude, that had a mask on. She quickly tried to take it off but Spider Man came down webbing the man to the wall.

Harper crossed her arms at the sight of the boy. She felt like he was always around her, following. "Are you okay?" Peter— or Spiderman, asked. Walking up to the girl.

"Get away from me, I can handle myself, I'm not a kid P— Spiderman. Just leave me alone." Harper walked away, Peter following close behind.

"I never said you were just a kid."

"Well you're treating me like one."

"Well maybe because you for one won't talk to me and for two you just.. ignore me now. Avoiding me." Peter said, grabbing Harpers arm turning her around to face him.

"Yeah well guess what Peter! I don't care! I really don't.. Am I avoiding you? Yes, I'll admit it. And I am doing it so you will stop following me around like some kid! I'm not your kid, I'm not your god damn puppy. Okay?! I'm not. We broke up! Get over it! We are never getting back together, ever!"

Harper eyes flared, but not blue.. purple. She groaned, grabbing her head. Peter reached out his hand which Harper just ignored. "I'm fine. I'm going home." She quickly turned around, walking home.


As Harper walked inside, she saw Wanda sitting on her bed. "What do you want?" She said, closing the door, and throwing her keys on the counter.

"To give an offer." Wanda stood up, grabbing Harpers hand. "To get out of here, the city. I found were Visions body is and—"

Harper stopped her. "Vision? Isn't he dead?" Wanda flinched at her words. "Well yes but—" Harper rolled her eyes. "So get over it. Visions dead, gone, trash, he's not coming back. I love Vision, I do. But Wanda he was a robot, you are an adult, a real life human. Whatever they do to Visions body, they do. It's not my business. And whatever you wanna do, is on you. You only want me to come because well one, you know whatever magical fight you get in I can help and two, because you don't wanna be alone.. well guess what Wanda. Just be alone! It's wayy more fun then being with someone. So just learn to live with it."

Wanda looked at her, Harper never acted like this, like she didn't care. Because she would go with Wanda in a heart beat if she could be it was like.. she had no humanity to anything.

"Harper, are you feeling okay?" The redhead asked, feeling Harpers forehead. "I'm fine! Now if you could just get out!" She used her powers to open the door, Wanda looked at her. "Now."

Wanda walked out the house, before she could even say goodbye, Harper slammed the door shut. She sighed, looking in the mirror that laid on her desk. She picked it up, flashing her eyes again. They were normal.. but after a while, they turned purple again.

She just let it go, maybe it was her emotions getting the best of her but was it actually her emotions or just.. someone messing with her?


𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐒 𝐀𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 , p.p Where stories live. Discover now