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"Where do you think you're going, my filthy little vixen?"

His voice sounded deep and husky, as he spoke in a high whisper but it was confident and frightening at the same time.

He turned her around roughly, his hand tightly wrapped around her neck, that was when she saw, those dark, deep eyes for the first time.

A sudden rush of emotions ran throughout her body as her eyes meet his, the emotions of fear and anxiety. She felt a sudden darting pain in her head, the pain which she had never experienced before, certainly worse than a migraine.

His features were sharp, his lips were thin, and his hair was all set to the back exposing his forehead. He looked ethereal, beyond handsome, while a small scar on his left cheek made his heavenly face more attractive.

She had never seen someone as graceful yet dangerous as him.

His hand was still on her neck, currently cutting off her air supply. Her face was becoming red as sweat formed on her forehead. She hit him with her hands anywhere she could reach him, his face, his chest, his shoulder, his neck.

He grabbed both of her wrists and yanked them at her back while her bosoms pressed against his hard, strong chest. She wanted to kick him away, to yell at him so he'd let her go, but he had suffocated her by grabbing her throat and body tightly.

"W-who a-are yo-ou?" her lips quivered but she managed to utter through the small air opening he was allowing her to stay alive.

He brought his lips near her ear and inhaled her scent, "KOOK" he whispered in his rough, husky voice. A shiver ran through her body when she felt his lips on her neck as he sucked her skin roughly, then nibbled on the same spot making her gasp in pain.

His dick hardened inside his pants when he heard her wince. Sex for him was always associated with violence, something that should be rough, brutal, hard and unbearable for his partner and today it was Y/N.

The only one with whom he had imagined doing everything he craved, to make her bleed and cum at the same time.

His actions traumatized her, raising fine hair on the back of her neck. She looked at him abusing her neck as if it was some sort of candy to suck on. She knew, she had to do something if she wants to save herself. Without wasting anymore time, she kicked him where sun never shines. 

His grip on her body loosened at the sudden, sharp pain, and she took that opportunity to rush to her room and lock the door behind her.

He was not angry but chuckled at her cute little effort of running away from him. CHASE, that was the other thing besides violence that encourage him to break her innocence apart and then delicately forge her into the way he wants her to be, scared, crying and begging.

He took big steps towards her room as he stood at the door,

"Do you think you can run away from me, vixen? If I could come inside your home even when all the doors are fucking locked, then do you really believe that this mere piece of wood could stop me?"

Her eyes widened when she heard him, she had never felt this terrified in her whole life, "what the f-uck do you want?

Today, he just wanted to tease her a little, to show her what is coming her way, "think of it like this, you're my favourite pet, and I have to make sure you can never run away from me, like you did today."

Her eyebrows furrowed, "l-listen, I understand if you are my fan, but this is not what civils do." She was scared, but she doesn't want to sound like it.

"I'M BEING PERFECTLY FUCKING CIVIL, and nobody tells me what to do."

He was not angry before, but now he was. Fading sounds of footsteps were heard as he left her place after saying that. She sat on the floor as she thought about everything that had happened today. It was not how she thought her day at home would be like.


She doesn't even realize but she slept on the floor last night. She flinched in her sleep as her eyes shot open when she heard thumping sounds at her door....................

A/N: Please vote and comment................

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