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She stopped struggling, she knows it would get her nothing but pain. It doesn't mean she wasn't scared, she was, the rapid rise and fall of her chest showed how nervous she was, the uncontrollable tears were clear evidence of her disapproval.

He wants to fuck her and get it over with as soon as possible but he can't throw away the thrill of startling her to death every second, he wants to keep it slow and steady, it would scare her more and he'd love to see her like that, at his mercy.

His desires need to understand that they have to wait, she wasn't going anywhere now, she would be there beside him, every day, every night. He wouldn't let her go now, not even in dreams.

He slowly removed her panties away, taking his time to see her getting more flustered and in seconds it was on the floor somewhere. He yanked her legs further apart, spreading her wide open for him to see the full view.

The cold air hit her core, sending shivers down her spine. She wanted the earth to split apart under her feet and gulp her inside; how could she bear that he was looking straight at her most intimate part, naked and spread wide.

The moment he looked at her bare pussy, he swallowed his groan. He had never fucked anyone else before, never he had seen any other women spread wide for him except Y/N.

He doesn't know if it's every woman that's pretty or is it just only her? He doesn't even know that a woman could be called pretty down there? Fuck the rest but she was exquisite, his vixen.

How hard he wanted to shove his dick into her tight hole, to stretch it apart. It looked so tight to just look at, he wasn't sure if she would be able to take him all in but he knows that she would have to and he would show no mercy even if she'd scream and beg to let her go.

It was how he was; violence and sex could never be two separate things for him, they had to come together. Just the thought of her lying naked under him, crying and pleading to leave her alone, he was losing his control, it was igniting pressure inside his thick dick, making it completely harden against his jeans.

She had this urge to close her thighs tightly and to not give him the chance to even glance between her legs but she knows, she can't. He was way more powerful than her, he could strangle her to death if he wants, then throw her body somewhere in the river or maybe he would cut her body into pieces and then feed them to the dogs.

The scariest thing was that no one would be there to help her, to save her from him, they were alone, completely.

Until she could realize what was happening, she felt his wet soft tongue sliding over her folds. She jerked, her bladder burned inside her stomach, it felt painful.

He wasn't surprised that she was wet with her precum, he knows her more than she knows herself. Finally, he tasted her, her sweet juices on his tongue, in his mouth.

He continued sliding his tongue on her folds few times then aggressively sucked on her clit, she flinched, "ahhhh"

Her hands moved itself as she tried to grab his hair and push him away but he grabs them before she could and held them tightly, not giving her the chance to move, sucking roughly on her pink bud,

"Don't fucking move" his voice sent vibrations deep inside her core

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