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He grabbed her left bosom in his other hand as he knitted it harshly, pinching her nipple over her dress "You're so cute, begging like anything could get you out of this. It makes me horny,"

He said, whispering the last line in her ear as her body trembled with fear.

He doesn't waste any more time and captured her trembling lips into his soft ones. Her eyes widened as she tried to push him away but what could she do in front of someone extremely powerful than her?

He tasted the same peaches and lily, the taste which he craved like drugs. Her lips were soft as cotton candy, he wanted to bite them.

His grip on her throat tightened as he pulled his lips out from hers, staring deep into her eyes, "If you don't kiss me back, I'll slit your fucking throat" it made her feel more threatened, she cried.


She nodded, her eyes red from crying and he kissed her again. This time so roughly as if he was sucking the life out of her and she kissed him back. She could sense him smirking even though her eyes were closed.

He pulled her tongue between his teeth and sucked on it, hard, then nibbled on her lower lip, she yelled but her voice came out muffled.

She tried to push him away but he grabbed her from her waist with his other hand which was on her bosom before and pulled her forcefully towards his hard chest.

He explored every corner of her mouth and she let him, even she kissed him back, not because she wanted to but because she was scared.

She doesn't even know how many times he had nibbled on her lips, the metallic taste she was tasting with his sandalwood scent was the evidence that they sure were bleeding.

His grip on her throat tightened more with every passing second, she was panting for air, hitting his chest to let her go but he doesn't budge an inch.

He was restricting her oxygen, this was not a normal kiss, it was a punishment for disobeying his orders, it was breath play.

He knows, soon after she would pass out due to the lack of air and he wanted just that. Her eyes felt heavy and her feet weren't able to hold her weight on them anymore and just as he assumed, she passed out.

He still held her from her waist tightly, kissing the hell out of her. When her arms dropped to the sides, he kissed her forehead, "You did good, Vixen" and placed her on the floor.

He wore his blazer, covering his face with a mask, he left the room. On the stairs, his eyes met with an impatient Taehyung, he knows he was her manager. He also knew he would find her, so she was safe.

He smirked under his mask as Taehyung eyed him in suspicion.

Taehyung went upstairs as he keeps on screaming, "Y/N, WHERE ARE YOU!?"

Her phone was with him, so there was no point in calling her. He checked all the rooms and found her unconscious in the last small room.

"Y/N!" he hurriedly ran towards her and picked her up in his arms gently.

"Y/N! Open your eyes! What happened?"

Jungkook went out of the club and sat inside his car in the parking lot as a girl, or more like a drunk girl came out. The same girl who touched what's his, only his, his vixen, his obsession. He sighed as he stopped the car in front of her.

He rolled the window down as she stared at him, "sorry handsome, I am not into boys."

He smiled, "no problem sweetheart, I could give you a ride then....? Obviously, if you don't mind!"

She chuckled and opened the door while sitting in the passenger seat, "How could I say no to a cutie like you."

He smirked as he pressed on the gas pedal, God knows where he would take her but one thing was sure, today was her last night alive.

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