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That photo broke her into two parts seeing Kook and Taehyung standing in one picture, smiling as if college buddies. The man she trusted just like her own brother was in alliance with kook and she was kept in dark all these times.

The reason Taehyung doesn't pick up the call was because he never helped her in the first place. Now as she thinks about it, why Kook doesn't kill Taehyung when he was accompanying her at her house, why he was the exception while Jimin was stabbed only because of a mistake.

The person whom she was feeling safe with was the reason behind her exposure to the danger, not once but for all those years.

How many more truths was she being deprived of? It's her life, she needs to know everything but right now all she could do was to stare at the picture and cry, cry for the pain she was suffering, cry for the betrayal she was feeling.


"Pack your bags, we are leaving," Yoongi said while Taehyung and Namjoon looked at him with confusing eyes.

"But where to?" Namjoon asked.

"To Busan....." Yoongi replied.

"But why?" Taehyung asked. He knew where Y/N was all this time, and now if they'd be leaving for Busan, he would've to tell Jungkook. He was the one who messed up with the footage from the restaurant that day, he was the one who told Jungkook that Yoongi was coming to Seoul to meet Y/N that day.

All the drama at the restaurant was planned so that Taehyung would not be put under suspicion and it would be depicted that Y/N was kidnapped right before Yoongi arrives in Seoul. The dance was planned, the fight was planned, the abduction was planned.

"Because I know where he'd be hiding....." Yoongi said through gritted teeth. He knew where he'd find Jungkook, the place where this all started, and he was determined to end this at the same place too, to kill him and save his sister.


Jungkook came back into the house with two big bags in his hands. He had bought a wedding dress for Y/N, today he will marry her and make her only his. He had waited a long time, all these years, he had only one thing in his mind, to marry Y/N, to complete the promise that he once did to her.

She may have forgotten everything, but he doesn't. He remembered every single day they had spent together, every single night they had slept naked in each other's arms.

Yoongi may have tried his best to make him forget his memories but each day, it became an obsession for him. All those times, they gave him electric shocks, left him bleeding on the floor, did not provide him food for days, gave him drugs and asked, "Do you know who Y/N is?" his answer remained same, "MY VIXEN, MY LOVE."

If you love someone truly, then you don't leave them when things get tough, instead, you stay by their side, no matter what and he had been trying to do that, to stay by Y/N's side, to not leave her alone, even when he himself was broken from inside.

Only if it wasn't for Dr. Jin, he could have never come out of that dark cell and never had gotten the chance to make love to Y/N, to hug her fragile body into his warm embrace again.

When all those years, he was treated like an animal, Dr. Jin, gave him the new hope to live. He helped him to get out of that hell and his brother, Taehyung, helped him once he was out in the real world again.

He knows, that even giving up his life for these two brothers would never be enough. They saved him; they saved his life when he was only steps away from becoming a monster.

He doesn't want Y/N to know all of this, he knows, how delicate her heart is, she would not be able to live if she would know how her Kook was tortured all these years. It would break her and he cannot see her breaking.

He knows, she still doesn't remember anything but one day she will and then he wants her to remember the good memories only.

He knows, he was the reason behind their tragic fate, he, himself was the cause of this suffering in the first place but he will make everything right now, like they had planned years ago.

A/N: please vote and comment.....

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