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After she came back from the hospital, her mind was feeling sick by remembering Jimin's condition. His whole chest and face were bandaged. How could someone be this cruel to hurt an angel like him?

She sat on the floor near her bed as she thought about the events of yesterday night. How vulnerable she was in front of him, how he abused her as if she only belonged to him.

Even after whatever he did to her, she wasn't able to hate him and she hated herself for that. How could someone be this pathetic that the only person who exploited her, she wasn't able to abhor that man?

She doesn't know why but she felt a connection between them as if he had been with her for years. She remembered his name that he told her that night, "KOOK" she whispered.

She winced as she held her head tightly. She again felt that same throbbing pain in her head, the one she felt that night when she saw his dark, deep eyes for the first time, the pain that was worse than a migraine.


Jungkook looked to both sides and jumped inside Y/N's house through a window. He scanned his surroundings but she was not in the living room. He knew where she would be, he hummed a tune as he went upstairs into her room.

There, he saw her, lying on the floor, sleeping peacefully while moonlight cast a glamourous shine on her face from the opened window.

He had never seen someone prettier than her, he saw her neck which was still blue because of his tight and rough hold on her neck yesterday.

It looked more attractive to him that way, with his marks. He wants to mark her whole body like this and just the thought of biting her sensitive parts made his dick pulse inside his jeans.

He went near her and caressed her hair gently; he doesn't want to wake her up. He had done this many times, when he had come to her home to only see her sleeping, to hear her little snoring, it relaxes his mind.

His attention was stolen by the erratic rise and fall of her chest and her round tits which he had felt the fullness of earlier in his mouth and hands that day. At the reminder, his dick completely hardens which he was resisting to his best level.

"Fuck!" he grunted; he wants to suck her bosoms again while nibbling on them hard but he knew, that was not the right time.

He gently picked her up in his arms and placed her on the bed as he tucked her under the sheets. His gaze averted at her pink lips which were slightly open.

He was losing his control, how hard he wanted to bite on them and make them bleed. He moved his lips near hers as he got his tongue out, he licked her lips slowly, tasting her sweet lily and peaches scent.

He hurriedly got up from the bed, he knows if he stayed there one more minute then she would be under him, crying and begging him to leave her.

He pulled his phone out of his pocket and clicked her pictures, that's another thing he does every time he come to see her sleeping. He glanced at her one last time as he left from there.


A sudden vibrating sound echoed in the room as Y/N tried to find her phone with closed eyes. Once her hand touched the phone, she grabbed it right away and saw the caller ID, her manager was calling her and it was 6 in the morning.

Y/N: "Tae, what is it?"

Taehyung: "You have your dance practice today; you know we have your shoot in few days?"

Y/N: "But I have practiced the choreography literally thousand times."

Taehyung: "I am well aware but you know how strict Hoseok is, and he'll not tolerate any mistakes."

Y/N: "But?"

Taehyung: "It's my order, I am sending the driver soon" he hung up the call as soon as he said that.

She sighed as she stretched her arms, that was when the realization hit her, "wait a second, wasn't I sleeping on the floor?"

She bites her lower lip as she scanned the room with her eyes but saw no one.

Her eyebrows scrunched together when she tasted sandalwood on her lips. She licked her lips again, that scent she knew whom it belonged to,"kook".

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