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She gulped, she wanted to drink, her throat was dry as a desert but she would not. Not after the way she threw that glass away.

She was confused, how was he still calm after her misbehaviour? And how the hell did she reach there in the first place?

The muffling around her seized her thoughts as she felt the couch beside her sink down. She dared not to look at him, feeling his presence so close to her body ignited violent, scary themes in her mind.

His calmness, even after disobeying his orders was killing her from inside, maybe he was planning something really extreme in his mind.

Maybe he would take the broken glass from the floor and tear her soft skin apart to show her who the real boss was.

She wasn't a stranger who would mistake his immortal beauty with a soft-hearted lover, he was sinister, an evil person who believes pleasure is derived only from violence and she knows him well.

He opened the first bottle then brought it in front of her face, "drink."

Her eyes widened, would that mean he would let her drink water even after the way she managed to deny his authority by shooing that glass away.

She looked to her side to see what his face revealed, to read his inner thoughts. His dark piercing gaze landing straight into her scared eyes was a shred of evidence that he surely was not giving her a choice but it was an order.

Fuck all the thoughts of if he wants to punish her or not, the way he looked into her soul was already enough to take her life then and there.

She shook all the assumptions away and grabbed the bottle in her trembling hands. She doesn't want to defy his orders now, not anymore.

She knows, he was capable of doing many terrible things to her that she can't even imagine doing to her worst enemy.

Suddenly the house fell all silent as if they were on a different planet. She brought the bottle to her lips and started drinking. The gulping sounds felt too loud today as if someone had put a mike in her throat.

She finished it all, as fast as she could. It was a big bottle, not a small one but she was thirsty too.

So, that was the punishment to disobey him? To drink a full bottle of water without choking while he tries his best to kill you just with his piercing gaze? That was easy.... Wasn't it?

Everything felt right until he opened the next bottle and handed it to her again, "drink."

No, he can't be this generous to let her go this easily. She was a fool to think if her punishment was over.

She wanted to deny him but her stomach still had capacity, maybe he would let her go after she finish this bottle.

Swallowing the lump forming in her throat, the fear of getting hurt, she grabbed the bottle in her small, trembling hand again.

She started drinking, slow and cautious as she could, trying not to choke. She almost felt full just in its middle but she finished it anyways. The punishment would be over after this, so why leave the chance away?

Once she handed him back the empty bottle, he replaced it with a new one, opening it and handing it over to her, "drink"

What the hell was he trying to do?

She looked at the bottle, then again at him, now she understood the punishment, she has to drink and finish all the bottles.

They weren't for him; they were for her.

A/N: WARNING ⚠️ - Next chapters are going to be so voluptuous, please keep your hobi water ready.

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