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After 3 Years..................

Y/N was wearing a wedding gown, tying her hair into a messy bun, she smiled while looking into the mirror.

Taehyung was wearing a black tuxedo as he knocked at the door, "Ready?"

"Yes! Almost!" she said while wearing her heels.

"Hurry up! We will be late," Taehyung said while looking at his watch.

"I'm ready, let's go," she said while turning around, leaving Taehyung stunned at how gorgeous she looked.

Helping her out of the front door, he showed her the car in which they would be going. As she stepped further towards the car, she saw Dr. Jin standing there.

"Hi! Jin oppa!" she said while hugging him tightly.

"You're looking so beautiful Y/N," Jimin said as he gave her a flashing smile.

"Thanks Jiminie!" She smiled back.

"Let's go, we don't want to be late now, do we?' Taehyung asked.

"No, absolutely not!"

She said while getting into the car as Taehyung drove all of them towards their destination.


They all stood behind Y/N as she placed a bouquet of white roses on Jungkook's grave,

"How do I look Kookie?" she said while twirling around, showing the gown that Jungkook brought her the day he died. She always wear it on his death anniversary to show him that she's only his and no matter what she could never forget him and his love.

'Bealifullll Mommy!" a sweet voice crept out of nowhere as she looked at Namjoon bring Jeonyul, her and Jungkook's daughter towards them.

Picking her up in her arms, she kissed her cheeks, "Isn't she growing fast, Kookie?"

"Yeshh! I'm a big girl now, daddy..." she said showing her muscles as everyone chuckled.

"I miss you, kookie! Please come back, if not for me, then for Jeonyul" she said as hot tears crippled from her red eyes. There wasn't a day she had not cried to sleep.

Taehyung told her everything that had happened to Jungkook through those years and the person behind all this was none other than her brother, Yoongi. She could've forgiven him for his past mistakes, but she can never forgive him for taking her Kookie's life.

She met Jin after she got to know how he saved him from that dark cell and she was more than thankful to both Taehyung and his brother Jin for helping her Kookie. When she wasn't with him, they were and she could never forget that.

Touching the tattoo on her neck, the permanent gift he gave her before dying, she squealed, "Now, everyone knows I'm only yours Kookie like you wanted..... but you're not here...."


Getting back home, she opened her diary, where she writes how broken she feels without Jungkook. She knows, he wouldn't come back, but at least by writing this, she feels as if Jungkook was hearing her, telling her that everything would be fine,

I still think about you. Every day. It's the same thing, over and over. What if you'd stayed? What if I'd loved you the way You loved me?

It hurts knowing, I took the easy way out, I gave up. I left you before it got too hard. I didn't hold on to us like You did......

I am sorry Kookie.

I miss you, Yes I still miss you, of course I do, yes I still look for bits of you in every person I meet, I probably always will, yes I still hope that I'll see your face every time there's a knock on the door and I know, you will never come, I had already lost you, I had lost my Diamond.

You died while thinking, we weren't meant for each other, but let me tell you! There would never be anyone else who could ever meant for me, EXCEPT YOU KOOKIE!

I wish, I could rewrite our story because I hate the way things turned out. I want to write in the margins and rip out all of the sad pages, but more than anything I want to change our ending, so maybe, just maybe, we wouldn't have ended up like this.

Maybe we'll meet again one day when you're not so broken and I'm not so incomplete. Maybe one day we'll be right for each other and it won't be so hard for others to accept our love.

I really hope that one day,

I will find you

in another world,

another body,

another time,

another life............

Where our love-story will not have a tragic ending.............


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