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Taehyung brought Y/N back at her home. He was stressed, what would he tell to Yoongi now? That he wasn't able to take care of her properly?

He panicked as he brought some cold water and put the glass on her lips, in an attempt for her to drink it and wake up but she doesn't.

He gently rubbed her palms as he sat beside her on the couch. Nearly after two hours, she woke up, her head was paining like hell.

"Y/N! You alright? What happened there at the club?"

She sat up as she held her head tightly. She can't tell to Taehyung, not after knowing how dangerous Kook was.

"I don't remember....... I want to sleep; my head is bursting with pain."

He wanted to know but he also doesn't want to pressurize her, not when she was already in stress.

He nodded as he picked her up in his arms, going upstairs, he pushed the door with his leg and gently placed her on the bed. He removed her heels and pulled the blanket over her.

She slept while he looked at her face, he needs to do something, he can't see her like this. He kissed her forehead, "I can't keep you in dark anymore. I will tell you the truth, the truth I was hiding from you Y/N" and with that, he left her alone in the room.

He slept on the couch downstairs; he doesn't want to leave her alone like this.

⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰

Few days had passed after the night at the club. Kook doesn't confront Y/N after that, but he came to her home every day, to see her sleeping, to relax his mind. He knew what was happening in her life, at each and every step. He was just giving her a little break, a break from his violent desires.

Currently, she was fixing her dress and hair, Taehyung had told her that they have a meeting with her new designer tonight but she was feeling it kind of odd because they were meeting in the restaurant, not in his office or something.

Anyways, if Taehyung was going with her, she knows, she doesn't have to worry about anything. Moreover, he had a surprise for her too.

The knocking on the main door indicated that he had arrived.

⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰

Y/N scanned her surroundings, the restaurant was beyond beautiful, candles on each table, couples everywhere, romantic music playing in the background. Some were dancing while others were doing some hugging and kissing stuff?

It doesn't look like a place for holding a business meeting, love was in the air.

Taehyung was sitting in front of her, vanilla scent candles placed in the middle of the table.

Taehyung cleared his throat and she looked at him, he was casually dressed today but in a handsome way, not in some kind of business suit. Maybe she was missing something, was today his birthday or something?

"What's my surprise?" she asked curiously.

"What would I get in return?" he said while taking a sip from his drink.

"What do you want?"

He doesn't reply but looked down at the table. He gathered some courage and spoke in his deep low voice, "a dance would do."

She chuckled, what kind of demand was that, "of course, why not? Now tell me..."

"Hyung is coming to Seoul tomorrow."

"You mean to say....YOONGI OPPA?" She said in excitement, shouting the last words as everybody looked at her.

He hummed and she wanted to scream in happiness but she also doesn't want to gather anyone's attention too.

Leaving her emotions aside, she asked, "When is the designer coming?"

He pulled his hand out in front of her, "Soon.... let's have a dance till he comes?"

She looked at his hand, then at his face, she smiled and placed her hand in his. He smiled back as he guided her to the dance floor.

Many people looked at them as they both stood out from others, appearing like an extremely appealing couple. He placed his hands on her waist, matching his steps with hers, then twirling her around.

He tucked her hair strands behind her ear as he whispered, "Y/N, I want to tell you something..."

"Hmmm, what?"

"I think I'm i....."

And he was on the floor as he was punched right in the face. The music stopped and so does the dancing of others.

Y/N looked at Taehyung with wide eyes as his nose started bleeding. She looked to her side, his face was covered with a mask but she recognizes him as her own shadow, it was Kook.

Taehyung doesn't get the time to get up and he was punched again, then again, and again.

Y/N screamed as she tried to hold Jungkook's arms, "STOP IT PLEASE!" but he doesn't.



"I WOULD DO ANYTHING YOU SAY PLEASE STOP" and he stopped as he turned his head to look at her, "anything?"

"Yes! But please leave him alone!!!" she said while crying.

A/N: I am so sorry for the boring chapter guys. I had to put a filler chapter because it was the demand of the story. Anyways, the coming chapters are going to be more interesting....and you know when I say interesting, it means it's going to be super spicy 🌶 😑......

Please do grab some hobi water.....

I know I shouldn't say but Please vote and comment.......

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