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The day at her dance practice went well, nothing negative happened. Hoseok had been a good mentor since her debut but when it comes to dance, he was as strict as Taehyung.

After the practice, Taehyung dropped Y/N back home, she even asked him to come inside but he declined her offer right away. Maybe he was still angry at her because of her cold behaviour that day. She pouted but even that doesn't work and he left from there eventually.

She opened the front door of her home as she got inside. She locked it securely and then turned around to see that it was all dark because all the lights were off. She flopped her heels to the side and went into the kitchen to drink some water.

She came back into the living area while holding a glass and she turned on the lights. Her eyes widened and the glass slipped from her hands unknowingly, shattering into pieces when she saw a manly figure sitting on the couch as if it was his own home.

"Vixen, you home?" he said casually, even the sound of glass breaking doesn't affect him.

Her body started trembling while her breathing hastened, she doesn't take much time to think and stepped back slowly, ready to run from there but stopped when she heard his next words.

"Don't you even think about it, I am not in the mood for chase play today."

She gulped hard, she wanted to run but his voice has this authority that even thinking about disobeying him terrified her.

"Come, sit in my lap" he ordered.

"N-No?" she replied while stuttering. He turned his head to her side, the look on his face today was beyond terrifying. He was not amused by her answer at all while his jaw clenched.

"Say that one more time and I'll make sure you never walk again" he warned right away.

"Y-you cannot o-order me," she said while breathing heavily.

He chuckled as he got up from the couch, walking towards her shaking figure. His steady steps towards her were making her legs weak like jelly. She also started moving backwards and stopped when her back touched the wall behind her.

Soon after he was standing in front of her, dangerously close, "your ass is going to be seven different shades of red after this little braveness of yours."

Her eyes widened as she tried to run, but before she could do that, he slammed her against the wall and turned her around roughly, while his hand was strongly placed on her head, keeping her still in place.

Now, her back was facing him as he used his other hand to pull her skirt up revealing her panties.

She gasped when the cold air hit her ass, "what a-are you d-doing?"

He looked at her ass, which was soft and round. He can't wait to turn it into deep red color with his handprints, "Count" he said in his cold voice as he gently rubbed his hand on her right ass cheek.

Right after, he smacked it hard without any warning and she screamed from her lungs while her body jerked, "aaahhhh."

He could see a red handprint take its place on her soft ass cheek.

She cried again loudly as he hit her again at the same spot, "Count or I'll not stop until you pass out like last time."

She tried to move away from his hold, "p-please, it hurts" she cried but he pushed her more against the wall.

"I know it hurts, baby, but that's what happens when you don't do what I say.... Now count."

She yelps when he hit her again on the same spot, her hips bucks as she begins her counting, "aahhh, o-one"

He slapped her ass again, hard "ahhh, t-two."

"T-Three" and it continued for a while, her screaming and crying were the only noises echoing in the whole house.

Her right ass cheek started throbbing with a burning sensation, a pain that felt like it was tearing her skin apart.

"Ahh T-Ten" she closed her palms tightly as she hiccupped through her cries.

* ➽───────────────❥

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