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And the video was played, there they saw him going towards a car as Y/N was unconscious in his arms.

"What the fuck happened?" Yoongi grunted.

He opened the car door and placed Y/N in the passenger seat. Even this time, the footage was from the backside, they weren't able to see his face. They were well aware that his face was covered with a mask but they still wanted to see. It was better to find someone when at least they know how his eyes look rather than just the back.

He drove the car and went from there, so easily. Yoongi slammed the table hard, and everyone flinched, he cried, the man who never cries,

"Namjoon, how the hell are we suppose to find my sister now? You know she is like a baby; we don't even know how dangerous that man is who kidnapped her. I don't want to imagine what he'd do with my Y/N......"

"Zoom at the number plate" Taehyung spoke gathering everyone's attention.

The man sitting on the chair did what he was told to do, "sir, it's 47D 0573."

Yoongi's eyes glimmered with hope, maybe he could find his sister but he also doesn't know if she'd be safe by then or not?

Namjoon ordered all the officers standing behind them, "send this number to every police station, tell them it is my order to find this car in 24 hours."


Y/N slowly opened her eyes, memories from last night invaded her mind, touching her bare body she panicked. She couldn't believe she slept peacefully with a psychopath on the same bed, in his arms, who could've killed her at any moment. How could she feel peace in the embrace of the person who was the cause of her suffering in the first place?

"You up? Vixen?"

She heard his voice, the voice that terrifies her but also calms her at the same time. Breathing heavily, she looked to the front. There he was, standing with a tray full of red apples and a glass of juice as if they lived together for years and this was just another morning as a couple.

"Here baby! I got you some fruits. You must be hungry" he said while placing the tray on the table, and settling himself on the bed next to her.

She was confused, but more than that, she was scared. She wasn't able to understand his true intentions. What does he actually want from her? If he just wanted to fuck her then he could've done it by now. He could've taken her there on the couch easily when she was wide open for him.

Anger built in her nerves, remembering how he humiliated her, how he forced her legs open and made her come and squirt at the same time. She knew, if she would act weak, then he could do many worst things to her, and she doesn't want that but she also can't deny the fact that he terrifies her the most. Just his mere presence could burn her alive.

"Come on baby! Get up! You know, I don't like repeating things!"

Seeing his dead serious face, she sat up straight immediately, coving her naked body with the blanket. Not in her dreams, she imagined obeying his orders.

He flashed her a smile. While he was peeling the apple, she scanned the room. Something that could help her to charge at him, and she could run away from here.

To her surprise, she saw his phone on the nightstand. She looked at him, his whole attention was on the knife, peeling the apple. Then again, she looked at the phone, her freedom was inches away from her hands. If she could get a chance to call Taehyung at least only once then he could come and save her from this psychopath.

She slowly moved her hand towards the nightstand but her eyes remained on him. Being caught is the last thing she wants.

Patiently, she grabbed the phone and put it inside the blanket.

After slicing the apple, he brought it near her mouth, "Open!"

She turned her face to the other side; she wants him to leave from there so that she could get a chance to call Taehyung.

"Finish this and I'll give you a chance to call anyone you want."

Her hands trembled, he knew it along, he was playing with her. Now, nothing could save her from his punishment. Gulping hard, she spoke in a whisper, "W-What?"

"Don't be scared vixen. You can use it if you want. It's just a phone, it doesn't bite!"

Breathing heavily, she cried, "I'm s-sorry! Please, I don't want another punishment."

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