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Now her mouth was wide open and her tongue was fully out. He grabbed her hair and pushed his dick fully into her mouth in one go as it slides on her tongue. It hit the back of her throat, she gagged.

"Fuck! that feels so good."

With every thrust, he pulls out to the tip, then slams back in, hitting the back of her throat over and over, making her gag uncontrollably,

"You like that baby? gagging on my dick?"

He loved when she gagged with his every thrust. He moved faster as drool came out from her mouth and tongue, mixed with her tears and his precum. Her cheeks and nose were getting a shade of pure red.

Now he wasn't able to hold back anymore, he groaned as he started thrusting at an insane speed, hitting the back of her throat over and over again, making her choke on her breathes,

"OH! God, yes, just like that...."

The sloppy sounds of the dick sliding in her mouth, rubbing on her tongue echoed in the dead forest.

He was getting closer to his release as he chokes her completely by slamming his full length into her mouth and keeping it still in her throat.

"That's it, baby, hold still......."

Her neck turned into a deep shade of red because of the lack of air and she hit his thighs with her hands in order to free herself from his hold.

However, he doesn't move and choked her till her throat was filled with his cum. Once he fully released in her mouth, he pulled out, and wrenched her head to the back by pulling her hair brutally,

"Don't swallow! Let daddy see how much he came"

She was gasping for air as her mouth was already wide open. He sees her throat was filled with his cum and she was gagging hardly while holding it inside her mouth.

He thrust his middle finger into her mouth and hit the back of her throat with it, she gagged and he saw his cum being swallowed by her unknowingly right after.

"Good girl!"

He said and her body hit the ground as she passed out because of exhaustion. He buttoned up his pants and hurriedly picked her up in his arms.

He kissed her forehead, "you did good vixen, I am proud of you."

The bright sunlight falls directly on her beautiful alluring face, she slowly opened her eyes as she scanned her surroundings. Everything seemed usual to her, she was on a bed in her own room. She hurriedly sat straight while the memories from yesterday's night came into her mind,

"Was it all a dream?

She spoke but her throat hurts, she placed her hand over her neck and gently massage it, "guess, it was not a dream."

She got up from the bed and stood in front of the mirror, her eyes were swollen and so does her lips. Deep red marks on her neck were clear evidence of how she was abused yesterday. Her eyes filled with tears just at the thought of that.

A ting was heard, indicating a notification on her phone but she doesn't know where her phone was. She scanned the room and found it under her bedsheets. She saw 62 missed calls from her manager and hundred of text messages asking her where she was.

She opened her call logs and pressed the green button in front of her manager's name.

He picked up the call right away,

Taehyung: "Y/N, Where the hell were you? I am calling you since yesterday."

She gulped hard and spoke by gathering all the courage she had inside her,

Y/N: "Sorry, I was sleeping. Anything urgent?"

Taehyung: "Urgent!? Haven't you seen the news?"

Y/N: "What news?"

Taehyung: "Jimin!!! he was almost stabbed to death."

Her eyes widened when she heard him. She was shocked, everything around her was getting worst. Firstly, what happened to her yesterday night and now Jimin. She was lost in her thoughts when Taehyung shouted over the phone,

Taehyung: "Y/N? ARE YOU STILL THERE!!?"

Y/N: "Y-yes. Where is he right now?"

Taehyung: "He is in the hospital, but he's in coma."

Y/N: "What! But who did this to him?"

Taehyung: "Nobody knows, police is investigating but they say it's impossible to find the culprit until Jimin wakes up because only he knows...... who did this to him."

Y/N: "I want to see him."

Taehyung: "Sure! I will pick you up in an hour. Don't worry, he'll be fine."

She hung up the call while her eyes were filled with tears. What the hell was happening with her life?

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