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"Vixen? Where are you? See what Kookie bought for you" he said while looking for her all around the house.

"Y/N? Baby? Wher......." And he saw her lying in the kitchen, crying and bawling.

Leaving the bags there, he rushed towards her, "Baby? What happened? Are you hurt?"

She doesn't speak anything instead she cried more. He sat down, just when he was about to pick her up, he saw the envelopes in her hand and he understood why she was crying.

"Y/N? Did you see them?" he asked in a calm voice. He was not angry anymore; she had accepted him today as hers with her own will and he was the happiest today. He doesn't want to ruin anything.

"Baby! Kookie is sorry. He will fix everything now. We will get married as we planned years ago, have ki.............."

He stopped as his phone started ringing, it was Taehyung. He picked up the call, before he could say something for disturbing his moment with Y/N, he heard Taehyung panicking through the phone. Hearing him, his jaw clenched, he cannot let Yoongi take Y/N away from him again like he did years ago.

If he was coming there then they had to run far away from Busan, to a completely different place where it would only be him and his vixen, where they would start a family and live like a normal couple. He hung up the call, grabbing Y/N from her wrists, he forced her to get up, "Y/N, get up! We are leaving from here right now!"

She looked confused, wiping the tears away from her flushed red cheeks, she asked, "Why?"

"No questions!" he said dragging her out of the house as he grabbed the bag of her wedding dress in his other hand.

Placing the bag in the back seat, he pushed Y/N into the passenger seat as he secured her with the seatbelt. She doesn't know what was happening, all her mind was thinking about Taehyung and how he had betrayed her for years.

Jungkook started the engine, hurriedly pulling out of the garage, he speeded up on the main highway.

"Where are we going?"

"I don't know but far away from here, where there would be only me and you," he said while placing his right hand on hers, but his eyes remained on the road.

This whole thing seemed familiar to Y/N as if it had happened with her before. This drive, with kook, his hand on hers as they moved past big buildings.

She sensed something dangerous as if she knows what was going to happen next. Breathing heavily, she felt the same pain arising in her heart and brain. Her lungs felt choked while her nerves felt pressurized as if they were going to explode any moment. She was feeling anxious and she wants Kook to stop this car right away.

"S-STOP!" She said while panting.

"What?" Jungkook asked looking at her wheezing, "Y/N, what happened?"

"KOOKIE! PLEASE STOP THE CAR! SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT!" she said while taking his hand in hers, huffing uncontrollably.

He got stunned, hearing her say his name in the same way she used to say years ago. He doesn't even remember the last time she said his name with so much love. Rubbing her hand gently, he whispered, "Baby! We are safe. Nothing will happen. Look, I'm right here with you!"

She felt little relieved after hearing his words and the smooth rub of his fingers on her hand helped calm her nerves but her heart was still racing, fearing something would happen to them. She doesn't know why but she was feeling scared of getting away from Kook now.

"WATCH OUT!" she yelled. Her fear turned into reality when she saw a truck from the opposite lane coming towards them at an uncontrollable speed.

Hearing her scream, Jungkook slammed the brakes hard, the sound of tires screeching on the pavement shattered the immense silence of the afternoon and a huge blow hit their car.

As their car spun out of control, images flashed across Y/N's mind, a slideshow of her past memories that finally strike back when she was about to die, when she would not see her Kookie again.

A/N: Three more chapters to go.....Please vote and comment.....

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