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His mouth left her bud, only to be replaced by his hand. He looked at them, his both hands cupping her bosoms perfectly as if they were made for her breasts only. As now her pain was completely gone, she was feeling his slight touch sending electric shocks to her core, making it clench.

A whimper escaped her lips when she felt his mouth trailing soft wet kisses between her cleavage to her belly while his hands remained on her breasts protectively.

Her hands moved itself as she grabbed his mushy hair in her thin fingers, feeling his wet tongue licking her belly then kissing it smoothly. She was getting drowsy, it felt so much relaxing, her eyelids closing with pleasure.

He doesn't stop his mild kisses until he felt her hands leaving his hair and falling on the white mattress. Her breathing turned steady and moderate as she went into her deep slumber.

He sighed in relief, watching her sleeping peacefully under him made him feel something that he had never felt before, tranquillity, calmness, and stillness. But he knows he was evil, he can't feel contentment watching her like this, she needs to be crying and begging when he would fill her both holes consecutively.

He kissed her cheeks and flopped beside her, grabbing the blanket, he covered their naked bodies with them. He pulled her body closer to him, feeling her squishy bosoms pressed against his strong chest.

He can't deny how painful it was to control his urge to bite her risen buds when they were brushing against his sharp teeth earlier.

Inhaling her scent, he also closed his eyes.


Taehyung stood at the Seoul International airport with his bandaged nose. He was there to pick up Yoongi.

After few minutes of waiting, he saw him, coming with a suitcase, dressed in all black as if he was a gangster. He waved at Taehyung, but he doesn't wave back.

In seconds he was standing in front of him. He hugged Taehyung, but his attention was somewhere else. He kept on looking at the back as if he was finding somebody.

He let go of the hug while he asked in confusion,

"Where's Y/N? and what happened to your nose?"

Taehyung doesn't reply, and looked down,

"You didn't tell her?" Yoongi asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"I did" he replied looking down.


Taehyung gulped hard, "Iamnotabletofindhersheislost" he spoke in one breath. He knows him very well; he would kill him for sure. Y/N was his only family and he could do anything for her, even if it involves killing someone.

"What are you saying!!?" Yoongi was losing his temper, he knows his sister very well, she would have been standing at the airport almost 24 hours before his flight would've landed.

"I...I'm not able to find her, she is lost......" he whispered.


"Hyung, I can explain, please...."

Yoongi was burning with rage; he doesn't expect this to be the first news he'd get when he would land in Seoul, "YOU BETTER DO......"

He left his collar and he jerked backwards. His body stiffened, he doesn't even know he would be alive after saying this,

"Yesterday night, we just went out to eat dinner in the restaurant. Everything was going fine but then someone punched me in the face and I lost consciousness.....I don't know what happened after that..... When I woke up, I was in the local hospital and she was already gone. I went to her home, our office, I also went to the hospital thinking she might go there to meet Jimin, her designer, but she was nowhere to be found.... Hyung I am sorr..."

"Do you know who he was? The one who hit you?" Yoongi cut him in the middle.

"No, I didn't see his face, he was wearing a mask....., but I think he must be her over-possessive fan....."

"I don't work with 'I think', I need proof....." Yoongi spoke in his cold voice.

"Hyung, I know she was my responsibility, I am sorr....."

"MY SISTER, MY RESPONSIBILITY" He growled at him, "Take me to Seoul's main police HQs" he ordered.

He knows who would help him, his best friend, Namjoon. He knows, he has to think with patience, when emotions come in the way, people take wrong decisions and he was not from those who commit unnecessary mistakes. He was a rational person, who takes every step thinking about its consequences first.

A/N: Please vote and comment....

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