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"And we are done!" Jungkook said excitedly as he turned off the tattoo machine and placed it on the table.

Wiping Y/N's tears away, he untied the ropes around her body.

She doesn't move because she was almost unconscious by the time he was done. He removed his shirt and throw it on the floor. He wants to see both of their tattoos together, to show her how incomplete they were without each other.

Picking her up in his arms, he takes her in front of the mirror. Placing her feet on the floor, he back-hugged her and looked at the art he made, his name on her neck, a place where she couldn't hide it even if she wants to.

"Look up!" he ordered.

She doesn't want to look at anything he had made on her body. How much does this man hate her to make her suffer like this?

"Vixen, don't you hear me?" he said through gritted teeth.

She knows, she couldn't run from reality anymore, she was marked with a permanent art made by her captor. Even how much she wanted to run away from there, she couldn't deny his orders, not now when she wasn't even able to stand straight on her feet without his support.

She slowly looked up at the mirror, her breathing turned erratic as soon as she saw the risen skin on her neck, inked with her captor's name, 'KOOK' while a heart surrounds it protectively.

"See! This is the proof that you only belong to me, Y/N" Jungkook said pointing at her tattoo.

Her eyes burned while hot tears escaped from them. The tattoo on Kook's chest was exactly the same as hers, while names being the only exceptions. Seeing both the tattoos together, she felt the same pain arising in her heart, her chest was feeling clogged as if it had stopped working. This time her head also busted with immense pain.

This feeling was torturous, it felt like her heart knows something that her mind wasn't able to remember.

Screaming, she held her head, leaving Jungkook anxious.

"Y/N!?" he shouted, "what happened?" He knows what she was feeling was only because of him but he can't hide the reality from her anymore. She has to remember who she truly was. He can't see her hating him every day, thinking that he was an unknown man who had kidnapped her.

Picking her up in his arms, he took her to the living area and made her sit on the couch, "wait here, I'll get you some water." He turned around to leave to get water from the kitchen.

She looked at him, he was panicking as if he cared a lot for her, as if he hadn't made her cry in that room just few minutes ago. Looking carefully, she saw many bruises on his back. Those marks were not some new wounds, but they looked like old marks which may have healed but left their impact.

"Here! drink it" he said while helping her to drink some water.

The mouthful of water she swallowed burned through her tightening throat. Was her captor tortured that he become how he was today but why was he doing the same things to her? Was he taking revenge for something that she has no idea about?

She despised Kook for whatever he was doing with her, but her heart still aches for his pain, for whatever loss he had been through to go down on this dark path of kidnapping and torturing her.

She wants to hear his story; she wants to know what had happened with him to be this cruel. She knows there's something similar between them and she wants to devour it now.

She wants to know the whole truth, the truth about their relationship, the truth about their connection. She wants to know everything and she knows how he would trust her.

Not thinking much, she held him from his neck and pulled him towards her, gently pecking his lips.

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