Disney with a twist - Chris

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A/N: So this is the first chapter of this so hopefully it's good! Enjoy!
This is also done with research involved so if I have any inconsistencies and / or offend anyone please let me know to change it.


Summary: the reader suffers from seizures and has a form of autism where they get overwhelmed on a cast trip to Disney.

Warnings: Mentions of Seizures, Anxiety & Medication

Y/n's POV
For as long as I can remember seizures have been apart of my everyday life and don't get me wrong I wouldn't change half of the things I've experienced for the world like the incredible bond I have with Chris my brother and living with him, meeting his  cast mates and being invited almost everywhere with them and always being involved but having seizures are something not many people other than family and the cast know about. The stress makes it a possibility for a massive seizure or multiple to happen which is draining as hell!

Add a new place, and being overwhelmed to the mix and it doesn't really end well.

Chris's POV

So I've been asked by the cast to invite y/n on a cast trip since we have a break from filming and we decided on Disney, because why not. Disney is Disney! And it's amazing that they include her in so much she's literally everyone's little sister and it's amazing how they deal with her by helping her out with anything from being overwhelmed and calming her down to helping with seizures making sure she's safe.

I went to go find y/n to ask her if she's down to come for the 2 weeks we're planning to go. With of course making sure Seb is coming too because when I first introduced y/n to the cast she instantly gravitated towards Seb because of how calm and good he is with her, they're honestly two peas in a pod. Essentially he's another big brother for her in my eyes and I'm great full for that to be honest.

Y/n was in the living room of my house because she comes with me every once in a while to LA from Boston whilst I'm filming because it breaks it up and she just loves spending time with everyone.

"Hey sweetheart, you okay?" I asked her

"Yeah I'm good Chrissie." Y/n replied

"So, bug I've got a question for you. Would you like to come to Disney for 2 weeks with me and the cast for a break?"

"I guess so as long as Seb is going. Then I can stay with you two just in case anything happens." Y/n said

I knew she was hesitant because of the anxiety she has going to new places since she has the seizures and the autism that doesn't help when she gets overwhelmed easily with new places.  Over time she's gotten better going to new places as long as she's comfortable with the people she's with hence why I had to check if Seb was going.

"Bubs, he is going so we'll be fine I promise you, and if you get overwhelmed or have a seizure you'll be okay." I reassured her

" I would love to come to Disney then!" She said getting really excited and stimming with my hands whilst we're sat on the couch watching tv with dodge looking out for her.

I laughed at her cute reaction to wanting to come with us it really does make me think that I've got such an amazing sibling.

****TIME SKIP****

Y/n's POV:

We got in to The park where our hotel was yesterday after travelling almost all day and let me tell you it was extremely exhausting! It made me a little bit anxious to put it nicely I had to have Chris and Seb talk me down from a panic attack since I don't do really well with travelling to new places.

C.Evans / S.Stan Imagines & PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now