Home - Part two for "open me when". Chris x short! Reader

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Paring: Chris x short! Girlfriend reader

Warning: sad feelings, crying, tiny hints of depression, overworked, overwhelmed, anxiety, self destructive behaviour in some ways. and just pure comfort.

Summary: Reader has a hard week at work and it just builds up and becomes too much to the point she retreats to the shell of herself and Chris is there to get her back to herself.


Did this happen a lot?

Yeah, sometimes more than you wanted to but you were one of those people that couldn't just breakdown when it got too much, you'd have to wait until you were bursting at the seams.

Numb. Emotionally and mentally exhausted.

Communication of your emotions has never been your strong point, it's been better since you've know Chris for the past 7 years, 3 of which was in a relationship. He was always the person who could get you to offload in a safe and non self destructive way.

You got home hours before Chris was due to be back from set since he was doing reshoots. You trudged through the house dumping all of your belongings from the day by the door, up to your shared bedroom, stripping off your clothes to chuck on one of Chris' T-shirts and then just cocooning yourself in the sheets like they'd protect you from the world.

And hopefully your mind.

Chris had returned from set hours later confused as to why all the lights were off as if no one was in the house, but you were here, your car was here, your stuff was by the door.

Considering the fact that he had noticed recently how much more closed off you'd been, weather it was because you were anxious or just in your head about something he knew it wasn't good for you if he left you in your head any longer it would become self destructive.

He jogged up the stairs taking two at a time going into your shared room, quietly and slowly as to not overwhelm you and make you fall into a deeper shell of yourself.

"Hey sweetheart, I'm here how was work today hmm?" He whispered as he kneeled down beside your side of the bed rubbing your hip though the sheets.

"It was.. I don't know how to feel about it, it was just draining and- I'm so tired.. I just want to sleep forever in hopes that it will all just go away like a bad dream.. I'm - sor-ry." Y/n whispered quietly sobbing as if she spoke any louder it would add fuel to the fire.

"Honey, it's okay don't apologise for this and it's okay, I'm here. I'm always going to be here bubs." He whispered getting in to the bed next to her. Engulfing her in a huge hug.

You just whispered in agreement just snuggling deeper in to his chest, his scent overwhelming your senses.


That's what Chris was to you home always in the darkest days when your mind was against you, when it was too loud to handle. He was your safe space your home.
Time passed since your small conversation with Chris, you were still in the same position even in these moments Chris fell in love with you more than he did all those years ago.

"Bubba, how about we order some dinner since I know you haven't eaten all day so how about we order your favourite and watch cars 2. How does that sound?" He murmured softly into to her ear.

"That sounds amazing, babe thank you so much love I'm sorry for all this." Y/n replied guiltily

"You have nothing to apologise about short stack I love you so so much okay, I'll be your home forever." Chris said sincerely with love laced in every word.

It's one of things that y/n loved about Chris that every word he said was true and with love.

Food was had, movies were watched, more cuddles were had and most importantly comfort was given and y/n was okay, Chris comforted her and kept her safe and happier than she was just mere hours ago.

He was her home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14 ⏰

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